Veröffentlicht von: From the editors News, Raw In Sect Keine Kommentare zu Raw In Sect veröffentlichen Musikvideo zu “Arena” + Neues Album

Raw In Sect release music video for "Arena" + New album

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Are you still looking for an extraordinary act? A band or an artist whose music is unmistakable? Then you've come to the right place! Our studio would like to introduce you to a band whose sound is simply unique and very original.


We are talking about Raw In Sect, a band from the legendary Greece. For exactly seven years the guys are together on stage and already released two albums ("Red Flows" and "Blue Haze"). Their sound, which is hard to put into words, we would describe as a mixture of metal and rock elements paired with Greek folk music, which is finally presented in the form of a casual atmosphere that is simply addictive. Now exactly this style of music, finds place in the form of a new disc and lets fans look forward to another chapter of Raw In Sect look forward "Kitro" is already available digitally and will be released on July 6 via Aisa Music/Plastic Head.


With their latest music video "Arena"The title refers to Athens and all the things you don't see on a normal tour of the world-famous city. The track itself, reflects the typical Raw In Sect Style again and can only be recommended by us! Here is a short statement about the song and the music video from Kosta, singer and guitarist of the band:


"The song/video is a hymn about the city itself. The traffic, the worn out buildings, the people, the stray cats and dogs and of course the streets are all part of what composes various parts of the city that you won't find in tourist guides. This song is meant to depict the routine/everyday life of normal people and what one sees in a real walk through the city. We wanted to do this as the city itself has been a great source of inspiration throughout the entire record and are sure it's going to inspire the viewers as well"..


We are already looking forward to "Kitro" and will keep you up to date regarding the band!


"Arena" - Music Video:



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