Latest from the scene


Nothing More Reviews

Nothing More ignite musical firework with new album "Carnal" - Our "Album Of The Month"

Es gibt kaum Worte, die diese Band und ihre Musik beschreiben können. Eine Band, die mit ihrem unverkennbaren Klang Millionen...
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Reviews The Story So Far

A look behind the scenes: The Story So Far and their new album "I Want To Disappear"

The band's new studio album The Story So Far is ready for its release and will be released this...
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Lowlives Reviews

Lowlives present a strong debut album with “Freaking Out” + Our “Album of the Month for May!

Ist Grunge zurück? Vielleicht nicht ganz, aber ein Hauch dieser rohen Energie steckt in dem neuen Album der Band Lowlives,...
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Kings Of Leon Reviews

Kings Of Leon unveil new album "Can We Please Have Fun" + Our soundtrack for the weekend

Sometimes we long for lightness in life, for a moment of calm to stop the world and ask ourselves: "Are we still having fun?" Kings Of Leon..
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Untouchable Reviews

Unantastbar celebrate 20 years of band history with live album "Wir leben laut" + special edition, festival and more

Together they laughed, sweated, fought and pulled each other up again and again. They not only made music for themselves, but also for their listeners, who were inspired by their...
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"...In our eyes
you are immortal!"

Music is passion and lives from the many great artists, bands, but of course also from you. Together with you, we want to celebrate this culture in all its details, which is why we bring you the latest insights straight from the crowd.

Concerts, festivals and more

In our BEHIND THE NOISE column we write about everything around the metal & rock scene and take a look behind the spotlights to give you a better insight into the concert. At this concert, too, we were able to collect exciting and new memories, which we will of course not withhold from you. Intense, unconventional and intoxicating. Welcome to the concert!

From the editors


"Album Of The Month - June

Authentic, intense and always challenging, "Carnal" is a musical firework that lasts until the very last second...

"Album Of The Month" - May

Energetic and demanding, the new album literally casts a spell over you and, in keeping with the title “Freaking Out”, makes you forget your everyday worries. Their sound...

"Album Of The Month" - April

Memories from a time that make you nostalgic and also flow into her latest work. Lyrically eloquent as always, her new album gives you a...

Every voice counts


Are you a band, record label or PR agency looking for a magazine that writes about you or works with you? Then you've come to the right place. Send us an email via our contact form and get in touch with us directly and easily. We look forward to hearing from you!

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