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Sober Truth and their latest single "Dizygotic Twins" - A look behind the scenes

Hell yes and welcome to Lila's review!


"...twins born alone find themselves in a permanent numbness to the feelings of other people for the rest of their lives... So many situations in life were marked by longing for the other and so many decisions were made a certain way because the other was missing. What heals is the regained inner contact with our deceased twin."


With this statement Sober Truth, after two years, the first hint of a brand new, handmade record and let it be clearly understood that even Corona can not stand up to the Siegburgers. Recently released Sober Truth her latest single "Dizygotic Twins" and surprised not only with an impressive prog/groove metal sound, but also with a fitting music video. Since the beginning of their formation, the five-member band has remained true to the underground and puts a lot of passion as well as energy into their songs until they carry the well-known Sober sound. Every single note, every riff that is played is coordinated and shows that the band not only make music for fun, but need it to breathe.


Most recently convinced Sober Truth with their album "Psychosis" on whose successor, fans of the band are already eagerly waiting. Soon this waiting has an end, because the new album is not far away and will still find this year in one or the other CD shelf place. When it is so far, we will tell you in any case!


A first foretaste of the new disc offers Sober Truth with their single release "Dizygotic Twins". It is a profound as well as multi-layered song that marks the beginning of a new chapter in the band history of Sober Truth marked. In contrast to well-known songs of the last albums like. "F.R.E.A.K." or "Solitude" their latest work is completely written in German. A bit untypical for the band, which has so far combined German and English lyrics in their songs, but has not yet released a song completely in their native language. However, this does not harm the song, on the contrary, the German lyrics make the track much more personal and it feels like the band is speaking directly to you.


Especially the story, which Sober Truth in their song, thus seems more tangible and is illustrated by the music video released for it. In this show Sober Truth It is dark, mystical and there is an atmosphere that just gives you goosebumps. The various sequences, which take place in the morgue or in the forest at night, are gripping and give the whole thing a special emphasis. Sober Truth has been working with "Dizygotic Twins" once again surpasses itself and convinces us at full length - We warmly recommend you to watch the music video yourself - It's worth it!


Here you can watch the music video:



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Image source: Sober Truth


Lila is out, be the beat with you!

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