Rock am Ring Festival 2025 - The first highlights

Posted by: From the editors News No Comments on Ein Highlight folgt dem Nächsten: Zwillingsfestival Rock am Ring verkündet ersten Headliner und mehr

One highlight follows the next: twin festival Rock am Ring announces first headliner and more

Hi and welcome to Lila's news!


It's only been a week, and yet the news about the Rock am Ring Festival is coming thick and fast. The twin festival not only delivered an unforgettable weekend in the Green Hell, but also had exciting news for next year, which was published on the last day of the festival.


Here is a summary of what you may have missed:


The first headliner, Slipknot, has been confirmed. The experimental and alternative metal band will first come to Germany for a sold-out show before heading to Rock am Ring and Rock im Park next year. Slipknot last played the festivals in 2019 and is sure to be followed by two more befitting headliners. The announcement caused a veritable ticket rush, with the first and second stages already sold out. Our recommendation: get your ticket as soon as possible!


In the same breath, it was announced that an additional stage and a total of 100 acts are planned for next year. A huge announcement, considering that it is the festival's 40th anniversary. You can therefore look forward to many more highlights that will be announced in the coming weeks and months.


There was also a survey and artist voting on the social media channels and in the festival app, where band requests could be entered. If you haven't done so yet, you should definitely do so. Who knows, maybe your wish will come true!


Yesterday, the festival also released their aftermovie, in which they thanked the "best audience in the world" for the incredible time. You can see what it was like here:



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We are excited to see what else will be coming in the next few weeks and will keep you up to date accordingly.


Lila is out, be the beat with you!


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