Anti-Flag release new album "Lies They Tell Our Children" on Jan. 06

Posted by: From the editors Anti Flag, Reviews No Comments on Anti-Flag enthüllen neues Album „Lies They Tell Our Children“ am 06. Januar + Unser „Album Of The Month“

Anti-Flag unveil new album "Lies They Tell Our Children" on Jan. 06 + Our "Album Of The Month"

Hi and welcome to Lila's review!


In times of uncertainty, marked by corruption, fear and war, there is always hope, which is embodied by bands like Anti-Flag. On January 6, their latest album "Lies They Tell Our Children" will be released, which delivers a strong message in the usual rebellious tone.


Our "Album Of The Month" for January.


There is hardly a band that speaks so openly about the political situation in the world as Anti-Flag. Since their founding, the band has stood for a straightforward punk sound that speaks out against capitalism and social inequality. They not only write about current problems, but also stand up for their convictions. The anti-war demonstration alone, which they organized together with author Michael Moore at the beginning of the Iraq war, clearly spoke volumes and was also one of the largest of its kind at that time. Anti-Flag want to change something with their sound and make this clear in their new album.


This year marks the 30th anniversary of their founding, which is reason enough to also release a new album. But especially the current situation in the world and the gap between rich and poor are reasons that Anti-Flag address in their latest work.


"Lies They Tell Our Children" is more than an album. It is rather an attitude towards putting people as individuals above money. The theme of social inequality, imperialism and the world political situation is clearly taken up here and accompanied by dynamic, sometimes aggressive rhythms, which give the songs a certain emphasis. Justin tells about it:


„Wie konnte es dazu kommen, dass wir eine so große Vermögensungleichheit haben, eine Ungleichheit, die nur während der Pandemie zunahm, als die Menschen verzweifelt waren? Wenn das der Fall ist, rollt man auf ein Zugwrack und einen Zusammenbruch zu. Extreme Gewinne für sehr wenige Menschen, das ist völlig unhaltbar und zieht sich wie ein roter Faden durch das Album.“


Anti-Flag fans will not be disappointed with their new album, that much can be said in advance. It combines the band's classic sound with modern elements and gains in scope for the message the band wants to send out through the multitude of guest appearances. For this purpose, they have taken a star contingent of different musicians, which leaves nothing to be desired, from Rise Against, the Toten Hosen, Bad Religion to Silverstein . Especially the song with Campino has become an absolute anthem, which we hope to hear live soon.


Punk remains punk here and is transported unadorned and directly to the listener. "Lies They Tell Our Children" not only deals with the past and present problems of our society, but also points to the challenges that future generations will have to overcome. Chris #2 explains:


„Es gab keine vorgefasste Meinung darüber, was einer von uns beiden einbringen würde, und es waren keine Egos im Spiel. Es waren einfach Leute, die die Arbeit des anderen respektierten und bereit waren, sie auf eine Art und Weise zu tun, die der eines Arbeiters entsprach. Ich denke, man kann das in den Songs hören, es gibt eine Dringlichkeit und so haben wir sie auch aufgenommen. Wir wollten bei der Sache bleiben und wussten, was wir wollten, sowohl klanglich als auch politisch. Ich glaube nicht, dass wir seit 2006 mit For Blood And Empire so hart an Songs gearbeitet haben.“


With this album, Anti-Flag not only present a very honest work that hits the nerve of the time, but have also created a soundtrack that the world needs more than ever. Our magazine is impressed by such a coherent album and a concept that tries to do more than just inspire, which is why the title "Album Of The Month" for January is more than deserved.


Photocredit:  Josh Massie


Lila is out, be the beat with you!

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