Europatour with Veil Of Maya and Kassogtha


Avatar concert at Essigfabrik, Cologne 2023

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Incomparable. This is how our last concert visit can be described. We had the honor and were allowed to accompany the metal circus Avatar for one evening, which had pitched its tents in the Essigfabrik Cologne. For the release of their new album "Dance Devil Dance" the band went on a European tour, together with bands like Veil Of Maya as well as Kassogtha, who we also had the chance to meet on this evening. Numerous fans from the area made a pilgrimage to the Essigfabrik and stood close together not to miss this show.


And we once again in the midst of it.

Just entered the Essigfabrik, already Cassogtha welcomed us with the first song of the evening. The band from Switzerland plays a mixture of Black as well as Death Metal, with which they made the visitors sweat directly. Dynamic guitar riffs met here the powerful voice of singer Stephany, who switched with ease between the guttural vocals and the individual, melodic passages. Even when guitarist Mortimer started with his vocal passages and she could actually use the break to take a breath, she sang along with them. In addition Kassogtha managed to involve the audience and also to make jokes among themselves. A mammoth task, which they mastered with a successful start to the evening.

The next band, Veil Of Maya, left off with an energetic performance and kicked off with one of their most popular songs, "Viscera". The band was obviously really up for their performance, the way they were already wobbling across the stage during the first song. Accordingly, the first mosh pit of the evening was not long in coming and Veil Of Maya went one better by constantly goading the crowd to keep going. From "Godhead" to "Nothing Left Eternity" the band presented their versatile sound of progressive, metalcore as well as alternative metal, so that especially fans of the band got their money's worth. Those who didn't know Veil Of Maya got to hear a wide range of their skills, where one or the other chorus surely still stuck. Then as fast as they had come on stage, so it went to the end.

During the break between Veil Of Maya and Avatar we got to hear all the different stories that fans associate with the band. For example, we heard about their performance at Rockpalast Bochum, where many success stories were written, in which they performed with Five Finger Death Punch and Avenged Sevenfold. At that time, we were told, the band was still quite small and performed as an opening act in front of a handful of people. Now, a few years later it looks different: A sold out house, filled with fans who want to see them. Avatar have a strong appeal, so we not only spotted Marc, guitarist of Veil Of Maya, in the crowd, but also recognized Corbian, who also opened for Avatar last year and were now watching the concert at the Essigfabrik.

Avatar concert at Essigfabrik, Cologne 2023
Avatar concert at Essigfabrik, Cologne 2023

It didn't take long before the lights went out and the shouts for "Avatar" became louder and louder. Then drummer John appeared first and started his performance. As if his arms were the hands of a clock, he began and attracted the looks and cheers of the audience. Gradually, the other members appeared on stage, accompanied by a small pyro show that stretched to the left and right of each member. Of course, we as well as everyone else were in absolute ecstasy and were even more happy when the first notes of "Dance Devil Dance" sounded. Avatar were totally in their element and used every single inch that the stage offered. For the gig itself, they had set up stage elements in the back, similar to a small city, which they used for their show. Their drummer was in the back on a pedestal

so that he could be seen by everyone. On either side of him were "walls" with entrances that members could walk through or use the elevation that went with them (see pictures). These were in the same color of the band, black and red, so it was clear how much work the band had put into their concept. This was not a normal gig, but rather a show like in a circus or in a theater whose main act was Avatar as well as their audience. At this point: Chapeau! During the concert, singer Johannes spoke to us in German, which, to be honest, we didn't expect and made the whole thing even more personal. From "sports exercises" that we did together during the concert, to jokes and anecdotes that he associates with Germany, Johannes had a lot to tell, which in turn fit into the concept of Metal Zirkus

Avatar concert at Essigfabrik, Cologne 2023
Avatar concert at Essigfabrik, Cologne 2023

and also brought the band even closer than they already were. In addition to their flawless performance, Avatar was also convincing musically and added another layer to this successful evening. It went on with songs like "Bloody Angel", which were sung along by the whole hall, to songs like "Puppet King", where Johannes unceremoniously appeared at the other end of the hall to blow up a balloon animal. When we thought that this could not be topped anymore, he started playing the trumpet. Awesome! In the circus of Avatar everything is possible, so that the magic act, in which Johannes got out of a small gift box, didn't surprise us anymore, but still amazed us. Of course, guitar solos were not to be missed here: During the song "Do You Feel In Control?" there was a guitar battle

between Tim and Jonas, where you didn't know where to look first. It was not only musically on an extremely high level, but also showed a little bit how much fun they have on stage. No matter if they performed magic pieces, Nena was belted on the piano or just for one song, "Statue Of The King" the king of Avatar Country was crowned, including confetti cannon and huge banners hanging from the ceiling, Avatar created unforgettable memories, which they also want to realize themselves with their music. That night, Avatar once again clarified the meaning of metal: celebrating the commonality of a musical genre that gives voice and hope to all outsiders. It's for the freaks, to use Avatar's words. Much more fitting was the statement Johannes gave at the end of the concert:

Avatar concert at Essigfabrik, Cologne 2023
Avatar concert at Essigfabrik, Cologne 2023

"Without you it's bullshit with you it's everything."


We were simply blown away by Avatar that night and it's one of those concert experiences we'll be talking about for a long time. From beginning to end, Avatar put on a show that simply picked up every single person in the Essigfabrik. An absolute insider tip that we can only recommend to you.


So my Immortals: Metal is back. Let's listen to "Smells Like A Freakshow" for now.

Concerts, festivals and more

In our BEHIND THE NOISE column we write about everything around the metal & rock scene and take a look behind the spotlights to give you a better insight into the concert. At this concert, too, we were able to collect exciting and new memories, which we will of course not withhold from you. Intense, unconventional and intoxicating. Welcome to the concert!

One show. Endless memories


Every voice counts


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