On tour with Motionless In White and Stray From The Path


Beartooth concert at Palladium, Cologne with Motionless In White and Stray From The Path

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Where is the perfect way to start the early weekend, if not at a Beartooth concert? The band played together with Motionless In White as well as Stray From The Path a sold out concert at the Palladium, Cologne, where more than 3,000 people showed up. Due to Corona, their tour had to be postponed several times, which gave everyone one more reason to make the evening unforgettable. Arriving at the Palladium, the queue didn't seem to stop: Fans lined up for several hundred meters to get into the concert hall and it seemed like it was getting longer and longer. After this "ordeal", however, the visitors were welcomed by the team of the radio station Bob, which was already waiting in the entrance area with a funny lottery as well

as suitable merch. Radio Bob is one of the most successful rock stations in Germany and entertains daily with current music and rock classics. These also offered a little entertainment for the visitors that evening, who still had to be patient until it finally started. We were also allowed to take one or the other item from the merch stand, which included a squeaky duck, which of course accompanied us into the mosh pit.


The first mosh pit was not long in coming, as Stray From The Path announced with their first song. With an unbelievable dynamic the band started to play and didn't miss the chance to set the mood for the evening. There was a lot of pogging, sweating and above all celebration.

Beartooth concert at Palladium, Cologne with Motionless In White and Stray From The Path

Especially songs like "May You Live Forever" or "Fortune Teller" provided the necessary energy to get the crowd moving, so it wasn't too surprising that the first crowdsurfers of the evening appeared during Stray From The Path. But the band proved to be convincing not only with their mixture of hardcore punk and rap, but also with their attitude. Stray From The Path spoke out loudly against racism, fachism, transphobia as well as homophobia and declared that everyone is welcome at a show of theirs. No one will be excluded, and for all those who don't comply, "There's the fucking door!" That Stray From The Path were serious about this they sealed with another song that literally had us all freaking out. Continuing this momentum, Motionless In White announced themselves a short time later with an intro that brought loud cheers from the crowd.

Motionless In White stands for a melodic, intense metalcore sound that they brought from their home in Pennsylvania to Cologne to share with their fans. It got loud, the crowd moved from left to right and one mosh pit followed the next. Especially during songs like "Slaughter House", which were occasionally announced by Caleb, singer of the band Beartooth, the audience found no hold, so it felt like the whole room was moving. But not only the quick, loud sounds were appreciated here, but also songs like "Masterpiece", a classic among Motionless In White songs, had fans singing along at the top of their voices. The band had brought a good mix of new as well as old songs this evening, so there was always something for everyone and in combination with the fan singing: pure goosebumps!

Beartooth concert at Palladium, Cologne with Motionless In White and Stray From The Path
Beartooth concert in Cologne 2023

When the second break started and the rebuilding phase was in full swing, the song "Living On A Prayer" by Jon Bon Jovi sounded and got the crowd in the mood for the rest of the evening. The whole hall sang along and even we couldn't resist joining in. The crowd was ready to receive Beartooth , who announced themselves with their symbol, which appeared on a curtain similar to the Bat-Signal. Immediately cheers broke out in the audience, which increased when the silhouette of singer Caleb appeared from behind the canvas. The sound seemed to roll over and then the curtain fell, Beartooth started to play and confetti poured over us. What a great start! At this point it was clear how much both sides missed live music and that this was going to be an experience to remember.

Thousands of people gathered to see their favorite bands play and the bands finally wanted to tour again to share these moments with their fans. Beartooth embodied exactly this feeling and showed it clearly through their performance. Up and down, left to right: sweat gathered on the clothes, making everyone stick to each other already after the first three songs. The band also quickly got into it, which didn't faze them, and continued tirelessly, goading the crowd to increase the mosh pit. Similar to Motionless In White, the entire room moved and loudly sang along to each song's verses as well as choruses. It was sometimes even so loud that you couldn't understand the band on stage anymore.

Beartooth concert at Palladium, Cologne with Motionless In White and Stray From The Path
Beartooth concert at Palladium, Cologne with Motionless In White and Stray From The Path

But just that put a smile on the faces of the band members, who literally played themselves into a frenzy from song to song. The fire fountains did the rest and heated up the air even more. But that didn't stop the crowd from going wild, especially during songs like "Body Bag", where Beartooth and the masses shouted "One life, one decision" together. After one song followed the next, the end was slowly approaching. The encore ended the evening as it started with a loud bang and a lot of confetti. Songs like "The Past Is Dead" gave a successful ending, which we wouldn't have wished otherwise for this evening. Beartooth still thanked everyone who had come and especially the bands, Motionless In White as well as Stray From The Path, who are touring together with them. An eventful Thursday evening, which we would like to repeat again!

Concerts, festivals and more

In our BEHIND THE NOISE column we write about everything around the metal & rock scene and take a look behind the spotlights to give you a better insight into the concert. At this concert, too, we were able to collect exciting and new memories, which we will of course not withhold from you. Intense, unconventional and intoxicating. Welcome to the concert!

One show. Endless memories


Every voice counts


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