Bury Tomorrow kündigen neues Album an + neue Single

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BURY TOMORROW New single, new album! - First single “What If I Burn” now available!

Bury Tomorrow are back with new material! While the band is currently preparing their biggest headline shows in Germany to date, the new single. “What If I Burn” is released as the first song of the upcoming studio album. Watch the music video HERE. The accompanying album “Will You Haunt Me With That Same Patience” will be released on 16.05.2025 via Sony Music.


In addition to the album announcement, Bury Tomorrow have announced a series of intimate release shows. At the same time, they kick off their UK and European tour today, playing the biggest venues of their career to date.


Bury Tomorrow Live
28.11.2024 (DE) Hamburg – Grosse Freiheit
29.11.2024 (DE) Berlin – Huxleys
30.11.2024 (DE) Köln – Palladium


For Bury Tomorrow , the last two years have been characterized by trying to fill the void they knew existed. From the depths of uncertainty, through lineup changes and COVID-related obstacles, the addition of guitarist Ed Hartwell and keyboardist/vocalist Tom Prendergast, as well as the creation of 2023 album The Seventh Sun, brought forth a whole new world of possibilities that previously seemed unattainable. Now, with a strengthened faith and a fresh perspective on what the band can encompass, they present Will You Haunt Me, With That Same Patience - arguably their most intense work to date.


The album was crafted more intimately and carefully than ever before, with the band internalizing all aspects of the writing process themselves. With Carl Bown (of Sleep Token, Bullet For My Valentine and While She Sleeps fame) as producer, the result is a deeply personal, extraordinarily multi-faceted yet powerful work of cathartic craftsmanship.


Born out of a shared sense of frustration at the increasing alienation in modern society, the album delivers a sincere, heartbreaking yet definitive look at the overlapping effects of self-sabotage, crippling anxiety, deep hopelessness and the ceaseless search for peace and clarity in a world full of noise. It's an album about division as much as it is about cohesion - an expression of personal devastation, yet a hopeful reminder that we are living through this struggle together.


The atmospherically moving new single What If I Burn addresses the tricks our minds play with our perception of existence, interactions and connections.


„To haunt bedeutet, etwas oder jemanden immer wieder in den Gedanken oder im Bewusstsein aufzusuchen oder nachzuhallen“, erklärt Gitarrist Kristan Dawson. „Darin liegt eine gewisse Schönheit der Verpflichtung. In einer Welt voller Ablenkung, Meinungsverschiedenheiten, Sofortigkeit und ständiger Anforderungen scheint Geduld schwer zu erreichen. Doch in der Geduld liegt Frieden – etwas, das unserer Gesellschaft fehlt. Der Titel ist ein Aufruf zur Reflexion, zur Fokussierung auf den Moment und zur Erinnerung daran, was wirklich zählt. Die Idee, dass Geduld etwas ‘Heimsuchendes’ haben kann, ist ein interessanter Kontrast, und genau das spiegelt das Album musikalisch wider.“


Despite the album's bleak outlook, Will You Haunt Me, With That Same Patience still symbolizes a consistent presence - a hope that reminds us that this is not the end of all things. Change for the better is possible, just as we can evolve over time. By overcoming the challenges, we ultimately find each other again. All it takes is the patience to weather the storm and the trust that this feeling will guide us.


That the band have taken the time and space to reach this point of comfort zone and confidence now feels like the beginning of everything they will achieve in the future. Expanding their influence worldwide and releasing their biggest statement to date, they mark the beginning of a new chapter in the history of one of British heavy music's most dedicated and formidable greats.


Photocedit: Zak Pinchin

Press release: Head Of PR

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