Posted by: From the editors Kora Winter, Reviews No Comments on Kora Winter enthüllen ihr neues Album “Gott Segne, Gott Bewahre” diesen Freitag
Kora Winter unveil their new album "Gott Segne, Gott Bewahre" this Friday
Hi and welcome to Lila's review!
Winter announces itself with a modern metal sound, which Kora Winter will present on their new album „Gott Segne, Gott Bewahre“, on November 24th. The band brings the cold into your living room, the dormant ghosts of the past and accompanies you this winter with a record that confronts all the chaos.
„Gott Segne, Gott Bewahre“,because you definitely don't want to miss it.
Kora Winter combine modern poetry with musical complexity and an unembellished reality of life. Since their foundation, the band has been close to the problems, close to the emotional chaos that sometimes hits you unexpectedly. They manage to wrap difficult emotions in understandable metaphors and lyrics that take some of the burden off your shoulders. Their vision is to represent the perspective of a migrant in the genre, which singer Hakan also talks about in new singles like "Das Trauma, Die Trauer" .
Still a foreign concept to some, Kora Winter is already a well-known name in Berlin's underground and beyond. The release of their EP „Blüht“ was followed by appearances at festivals such as Euroblast, and tours with bands such as The Hirsch Effekt and Jinjer. Kora Winter have learned to present their very own version of alternative metal and combine a multi-layered, experimental sound with other metal genres in their songs.
Now their new album is being released on their own label "aufewigwinter" , which continues this sound.
"(fiteen seconds to think)" - Kora Winter invite you to take a seat at the beginning of the album and listen to the fortune teller who has spread out the cards in front of her. She asks singer Hakan what question he has for her, to which he replies that he needs "fifteen seconds to think". The fifteen seconds extend over the remaining songs on the album, in which he engages in a battle with his own emotions. It's the inner dichotomies, the experiences in a world that feels more dystopian than ever and where songs like „Neuer Tag im Rattenloch“ make you wonder "where has the goddamn love gone?". It is one of, if not their strongest and most focused albums to date, juxtaposing weaknesses and strengths, directly addressing conflicts and engaging in an exchange of blows with the bad, as in the song „Marmelade“ with Kind-Kaputt singer Johannes: "I eat dirt and dirt eats me."
Not only are Kora Winter, lyrically convincing, but the band can also hold their own musically. The songs literally draw you into the narrative that takes place in Hakan's head. The transitions between the individual songs are fluid, sometimes accompanied by guitars and sometimes by strings. Always good for a surprise, Kora Winter also serves different genres here and gives the album exactly the musical drama and perspective it needs for a good album. It is dynamic, angry and demands more. Especially the versatile arrangement of guttural vocals, loud exclamations and melodic guitar riffs by playing with the momentum in the individual songs. Particularly with interludes such as „(jeder gegen jeden)“ and the following song „Alle gegen Alle“ , you simply realize how much work the band have put into their new album, where references are also made to previous songs such as „Der missratene Sohn“ .
The last song on the album, „Schuld“ , is also strong and worth mentioning. The tempo of previous songs is taken out and space is left for Hakan's versatile voice, who is accompanied on the guitar. Bassist Karsten underpins the song with lines from their song „Stiche II“ from their EP "Bitter", which closes the hopelessness mentioned there with a confrontation of the self. The dramaturgy does not level out at this point and is expressed with an allusion to earlier works,"In the end, everyone dies the same way / burnt out, faded, withered" Kora Winter thus look back to earlier works and yet with „Gott Segne, Gott Bewahre“, they also look to the future, in which they come a little closer to the "Why?" of everything.
For us, this album is definitely one of our favorites this year and can only be recommended to be streamed or bought. Fans of the band can look forward to a tour that is already in the starting blocks. We especially recommend their performance in Berlin on December 1st. There will be an album release concert with special guests and a DJ set.
Tickets for the tour can be found here.
Here you can pre-order the album.
Photocredit: Melomaniac Photo
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