The concert at the Palladium

Nothing More

Nothing More Konzert im Palladium Köln

My Immortals.. Welcome to BEHIND THE NOISE!


It was October 27, 2018, and thus "Day X." Our car was running the latest disc of Nothing More and as "Go To War" roared through the speakers, no one was held back any longer and everyone sang along at the top of their voices. But why all the madness? What was so special about a simple Saturday in October? Well, there were four good reasons: Bullet For My Valentine, Of Mice & Men, Nothing More and Shapes gave a concert in Cologne (although unfortunately not everything went as we would have wished.... But more about that later). Now it was time to look forward to one of the coolest line ups of this year, right in our living room. Especially for, Nothing More who last year played in front of a small audience at the Luxor and now in front of

When the Palladium played to an audience of almost 4,000 people, we took the trip with us. Shortly beforehand... it was insane. A concert alone is already cool, but to round off the whole thing we paid the guys before their performance, backstage, a short visit there to talk with Daniel and Mark to conduct a short interview. After Ryan, the tour manager, led us across the site to the backstage area, we waited there for the guys from Nothing Morewho were just visiting the cathedral and were therefore a little late. After their arrival, we squatted together on the instrument cases to conduct our interview there. But not only Daniel and Mark seemed to like our interview, also members of the other bands looked every now and then what we were doing. So, ran Valentino (Drummer from Of Mice & Men) at the speed of light, Naruto style, right through the middle of the picture.


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Nothing More Konzert im Palladium Köln

In general, the interview was quite relaxed and there was a lot to laugh about. Just the way you want an interview to be. Especially when we Daniel Why this has not worked, he reveals to you in the interview 😉 Shortly thereafter, we said goodbye to the guys and went first to get food. After a kebab and two coffees, we also found a good 100 meters long queue in front of the Palladium. Since nine o'clock in the morning, the fans stood in front of the building at what felt like sub-zero temperatures to secure the best seats. At this point: Respect to all for this stamina! We first joined a smaller group and chatted a bit about this and that until the entrance, laughed a lot and exchanged some experiences. Shortly before admission, however, a little disillusionment arose when we learned that our photo pass was only valid for Nothing More was valid and thus only for the performance of one of four

bands that evening. A fact that happened not only to us, but also to others who wanted to report about the concert. Kindly helped us Ryan off (Thanks, Ryan!) and equipped us with another photo pass for Of Mice & Men off. This is the reason why today we do not tell you about Shapes & Bullet For My Valentine report, since this was unfortunately not desired according to Aussauge. Nevertheless, we followed the masses into the large hall and positioned ourselves near the stage. I must admit that my height (1.57 cm but proud of it!) is not exactly advantageous for a concert with such a capacity, nevertheless I was able to Shapes performance was good to follow. The guys performed for a quarter of an hour and let's just say that the band was really good. With an, from the beginning, impressive light show stood as the second act Nothing More on the stage. Despite the fact that many of the spectators

Nothing More Konzert im Palladium Köln
Nothing More Konzert im Palladium Köln

Nothing More had not been on the schedule so far, the guys managed that by the second song at the latest, the entire hall went along. As if in ecstasy, the guys played as if nothing less than their lives were at stake and impressed the whole hall with their incredible performance. Although their performance was (unfortunately) quite short, they convinced, besides an awesome stage presence with a perfectly selected repertoire of songs. Even though we have seen the guys already for the repeated time, a Nothing More Concert every time anew, an experience, what one visits with pleasure again. Not only for us was the performance of the band the secret main act of the evening..... But unfortunately much too short. After the band left the stage, most people went to get drinks, take a pee break or buy merch. Our crew however, stopped and looked up to the stage, when the logo of

Of Mice & Men was hung up. The mics were adjusted, the drums were set up properly and the more time passed the more the audience crowded into the hall again. The hall was full and the masses were definitely ready to receive Of Mice & Men. When Of Mice & Men entered the stage and played the first notes you could feel that they didn't want to cool down the atmosphere heated up by Nothing More. Hard and definitely heavy, the guys delivered a strong performance, which seemed to please the audience. So the first mosh pit was not long in coming and we would have liked to join them, but unfortunately equipped with cameras, this would not have been a good idea. Of Mice & Men literally brought the four walls of the Palladium to boil with their hard, unpolished sound. We also visibly had our fun on this hardcore adventure. Old and new songs got the necessary fine tuning live and whipped the

Nothing More Konzert im Palladium Köln

crowd. From song to song the audience got louder and louder and the pit got bigger and bigger. The atmosphere became more intense and finally exploded when Of Mice & Men hit the first notes of "Bones Exposed". It was chaos. Everyone in the room sang along, several stage divers were taken out by security, a huge pit developed in the room and Of Mice & Men was in the middle of this perfect chaos. For us, one of the most intense but at the same time coolest moments of the concert. But at some point, even for Of Mice & Men the time was over, although the hall and we would have liked to continue celebrating with the guys. But as the saying goes.... You always see each other twice in life 😉 After the guys from Bullet For My Valentine had also played, we moved with the masses from then on the way to our car. With a short stop at Mc Drive at about one o'clock in the morning, it was now also time for us to head home to catch at least a little capful of sleep. Thanks again for the support to: Yassi, Ryan, Daniel & Mark - You rock!

Concerts, festivals and more

In our BEHIND THE NOISE column we write about everything around the metal & rock scene and take a look behind the spotlights to give you a better insight into the concert. At this concert, too, we were able to collect exciting and new memories, which we will of course not withhold from you. Intense, unconventional and intoxicating. Welcome to the concert!

One show. Endless memories


Every voice counts


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