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Temples On Mars unveil their long-awaited eponymous album + sneak peeks
It's Tea Time, welcome to Alice Review!
Some time ago we already told you about the extraterrestrial album by Temples on Mars and of course we have now taken a closer look at it and examined each track under the magnifying glass to give you a perfect overview of all the diversity of songs. Last time I had already told you that, that self-titled album "Temples On Mars" is filled with twelve songs, all of which have a unique sound. Here's a sneak peek at the track list for the new album:
01 Bon Voyage
02. god & kings
03 Afraid of Living
04 So In Love with Your Own Drug
05 How Far Will You Go
06 Death in the Afternoon
07 Makes No Bones
08 Black Mirror
09 Suicide by Tiger
10. when gods collide
11. dining with the devil
12. chief seattle
I can only tell you that "Temples On Mars" really captivated me and it left a really good lasting impression on me. From rocking songs like "So In Love with Your Own Drug ", "When God Collide". or "Dining with the Devil"where you can't help but, at least inwardly, rock out to it, it transitions to slow goosebumps moments like in "Make no Bones" or "Suicide by Tiger". Overall, the guys have really managed to put together a super album with the most diverse tracks and reach not only their fans with this work, but also certainly a large mass of people, including us.
I definitely found my favorite songs on this album with "So In Love with Your Own Drug," "When Gods Collide." and "Dining with the Devil". We are curious what Temples On Mars in the future and will keep you up to date!
If you still want to order their new album now, you can do it here
Temples On Mars - "Temples On Mars" Album
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