Concert in building 9 with The Weyers and

Trigger finger


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My Immortals.. Welcome to BEHIND THE NOISE!


Trigger finger + Concert + Cologne, Gebäude 9 = Four guys from Belgium, who in one evening, in the form of hammer songs, an incomparable performance and with a bit of charm and humor, turned their show into an unforgettable experience, which we can not so quickly remove from our minds. Yes, my Immortals, our studio was once again on the road for the next "joint venture". This time we had the great honor to meet the guys from Trigger finger at their concert in Cologne and this much we can say in advance... We would do it again! Why and why? You'll find out now: Still the feeling in your pocket as if you were still sitting at a table with the Triggerfingers in person, laughing and interviewing

questions in hand, we were already standing in front of the counter in Building 9 and ordered a cool drink. Some guests had already arrived and made themselves wide in front of the large door to the concert hall. In short, they were let in and we mingled with the masses to not miss anything from the concert. After some loud shouts, a few checks on the stage, the lights went out and silence returned. Then the hour struck for.... The Weyers came on stage, already they provided by a small "collision" of singer Adi and drummer Lukefor the first laugh of the evening. Their performance was marked by funny interludes, fierce acting and of course their distinctive sound, which in songs like "Bout love"It was a very addictive experience and if you weren't careful, it could become a real addictive factor.

From start to finish their show, just like the concept behind it, was a complete success and should the guys ever grace you with a gig near you, we recommend you stop by! By the way: Thanks for the great signature, Adi 😉 But as quickly as the guys came on stage and played, so quickly it was over. The break came and actually it is usually custom to get something to drink, disappear to the toilet or simply escape the stuffy air in this... But not with the clientele there! These had either a really good bladder or did not realize that the break was already ten minutes, because even we could not go out under these mass animal husbandry conditions. Too bad!

Fortunately, this condition did not last long, because Trigger finger stormed the stage with their first song and received thunderous applause from the audience. Armed in suits, their instruments and especially stylish shoes, as singer Reuben they played as if there was no tomorrow and thus secured the rest of the evening as a sense of achievement. Especially well remembered, is the way the guys interacted on stage and showed that they had fun to stand on stage and give their music of themselves. Even if then times full of joy at being a musician, when spurring each other on, the microphone falls into the masses... Such a thing is not tragic 😉 In the middle of the action, the guys played a quieter song. As singer Reuben scraped his thumb over the sides of the guitar and played the first notes of "My Baby's Got A Gun" it suddenly became very quiet in the hall and only the singer's soft voice could be heard.

The song gave us goosebumps, which went through marrow and leg and thus created a breathtaking moment, which belongs to our highlights! But not only this moment graced the concert, but also the solo of the drummer Mario. Already at the interview we liked him right away and when he played he added another big step. With a more than three-minute performance he heated the load properly and came even thereby quite nicely into the sweat. The other band members also attended this spectacle later and used an old tub and a wrench, which was mounted on the drum kit. All this resulted in a really crass show for which we can only take our hats off: Chapeau! But every good concert comes to an end. Still quickly a drumstick from Mario and then it was already off home to bed...

Concerts, festivals and more

In our BEHIND THE NOISE column we write about everything around the metal & rock scene and take a look behind the spotlights to give you a better insight into the concert. At this concert, too, we were able to collect exciting and new memories, which we will of course not withhold from you. Intense, unconventional and intoxicating. Welcome to the concert!

One show. Endless memories


Every voice counts


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