Bad Wolves Band

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Bad Wolves release "zombie" remake in memory of Dolores O' Riordan

Hi and welcome to Lila's news!


On January 15, a singer died far too early. Dolores O'Riordansinger of the well-known group The Cranberries. At that time she was in London to work with the boys from Bad Wolves to revive one of their greatest hits, "Zombie".


After Bad Wolves had heard about the tragic passing of the singer, they decided to release their version in her memory. The money raised from the song will be donated to Bad Wolves donate to her three surviving children. Tommy Vext had the following to say about the track:


"It's such a powerful song and the themes are still so relevant that we wanted to release it in memory of her."


He also said that they deliberately left out the lines: 'It's the same old theme Since nineteen-sixteen. In your head, in your head, they're still fighting' at '2018' as the subject matter of the title is more topical than ever in 2018. The version from Bad Wolves is really well realized and a pretty memorable track on Dolores O'Riordan. Hammer, extraordinary and of course pure goosebumps: our respect has been earned by Bad Wolves deserved for this!


Our studio is quite shocked that we are dealing with Dolores O'Riordan from The Cranberries Another star in the sky of hammer voices has said goodbye, but we will never forget the memories we have collected of her. Rest In Peace!


Here are the Bad Wolves Version from "Zombie":



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