Mid City release new album "Happy Ever After".

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Mid City enthüllen ihr Debüt-Album „Happy Ever After“ – Unser „Album of the Month“ für den August

Hi and welcome to Lila's review!


Never give up, always keep going and above all have fun: Mid City bring this attitude to the playlists and living rooms of their listeners, who can enjoy their new album "Happy Ever After" soon - a versatile listening experience.


Our "Album Of The Month" for August.


Formed in Melbourne, Australians Joel Griffith (vocals), Ben Woodmason (guitar), Jimmy Campbell (bass) as well as Tim Woodmason (drums) have joined forces to create the music they have always missed in the industry: Catchy melodies with a lot of energy, in which you can find yourself. A year after their formation, the dream of the band also emerged, with one of their first singles, "Old Habits", landed a "Top 10 Most Played Songs" on Triple J Radio in their home country. But also in Germany the song was shared by celebrities such as Ollie Schultz and increased the awareness of the group. After a few singles and concerts, fans of the four can now look forward to their own album, which is titled "Happy Ever After" .


Starting with the eponymous first song, which also excitingly, announces the title of the album, abduct Mid City into their own world of harmonic changes, sensitive melodies as well as choruses that inspire you to sing along. For the title song "Happy Ever After" it took three years and 17 versions to create exactly the variant that captures the band's sound and represents how Mid City see themselves: „Immer kämpfen und streben und hoffen, dass wir aus unserer eigenen Situation ausbrechen und etwas schaffen können, das all das wert ist.“


Mid City founded a creative outlet within the eleven songs not only for themselves, but also for the listener. It's like a dialogue between the two, where memories and thoughts that have shaped oneself are exchanged: The bittersweet moments of life, in fact. It's all wrapped up in a light pop rock sound with elements of alternative rock and indie, making it the perfect mix for summer. Especially songs like "Choc Mint", which has already been released as a single, as well as "Change Your Mind" bring back the balmy summer nights. About the album tells Mid City explains:

„Diese Sache hat so verdammt lange auf sich warten lassen. Natürlich gab es COVID, aber das ist keine Entschuldigung für semifunktionale Musiker wie uns. Aber wir hatten uns wirklich Sorgen gemacht, dass die Leute denken, wir veröffentlichen nur Singles, weil uns nicht genug Songs für ein Album einfallen oder so. Das stimmt nicht! Wir sind einfach sehr, sehr wählerisch bei dem, was wir machen wollen…. und außerdem sind wir pleite wie der Teufel. Die Zeit, in der wir in Europa getourt sind, hat uns wirklich gezeigt, was wir wollten – wir haben auf einigen großen Festivalbühnen gespielt und beobachtet, wie die Leute auf die Dinge reagiert haben, die wir für den perfekten, harten Banger für wichtig hielten – oder auch nicht. Was uns allerdings überrascht hat, war die ruhigere Seite, die wir bei einigen Songs entdeckt haben. Wir wollten immer, dass das Album eine kleine Reise ist, nicht nur ein 170bpm-Schweißfest, aber wir wussten nicht, wie befriedigend es sein würde, einige Songs mit unterschiedlichen Tempi und Gefühlen zu kreieren. Wir sind wirklich stolz auf die Balance, die wir zwischen Knallern und gefühlvolleren, ruhigeren Momenten gefunden haben. Vielleicht reifen wir wieder? Ich hoffe nicht.“

Whether this is true, you can soon find out for yourself, because the band comes to Germany on tour! Soon you can welcome the band in cities like Cologne or Berlin, which is surely just waiting to introduce the album to you. Tickets you can find here. For us, "Happy Ever After" is already an experience that we do not want to miss with its eleven songs from this summer. Absolute buy recommendation!


Lila is out, be the beat with you!

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