European tour 2019 with The Pearl Harts


My Immortals.. Welcome to BEHIND THE NOISE!


Exactly two years ago, we had our first taste of concert air at the Stollwerck. At that time we visited the Counterfeit Concert in the old hall and experienced one of the best concerts in our career. A memorable concert, which we wanted to repeat and thus the guys from Counterfeit on August 14 of this year in Cologne at the Luxor visited. Arrived two hours before the start at the cult club, the fans lined up to get the best seats in front of the stage at the sold-out concert. For us, that meant a very long wait, but who doesn't know that? When we were then allowed to enter the Luxor at 19:00, we made our way through the masses, which bustled in front of the stage.

It was warm, definitely. But before the audience could look forward to the main act, first entered The Pearl Harts the stage. Loud, wild and with an unmistakable sound in the luggage - These are The Pearl Harts. Consisting of Kirsty Lowery (vocals, guitar) and Sara Leigh Shaw (vocals, drums) from not so far away London, the duo took the audience on a fucked up trip between rock and blues. We found the mixture of classic rock and various modern influences such as loops or samples especially interesting, which The Pearl Harts their characteristic sound. True to their motto "Do It Yourself" the songwriting and recording takes place on their own, which has certainly demanded a lot of sweat and hard work from the girls. But it was worth it. This becomes clear when you see The Pearl Harts perform: With much

But it was worth it. This becomes clear when you The Pearl Harts perform: With a lot of passion as well as charm they express their music and give themselves very naturally. Their show is characterized above all by an intense stage presence, which is strengthened by the harmonious interaction of the duo. The Pearl Harts delivered an energetic performance that we will not forget so quickly. In any case, their latest record is recommended <i<"Glitter and Spit"about which we will soon report in more detail 😉 Continue in the text... Excitedly the audience stood in front of the stage and waited anxiously for the main act. Already a few months ago, the guys created a lot of buzz when they announced that they are currently in the studio and working on their new album. Excitedly the spectators stood in front of the stage and waited anxiously for the main act. Already a few months ago

Excitedly the audience stood in front of the stage and waited anxiously for the main act. Already a few months ago, the guys created a lot of buzz when they announced that they are currently in the studio and working on their new album. Since 2015 Counterfeit active and already two years after its foundation, at the AIM Independent Music Awards in the category "Best Live Act"won their first award. Located between rock and alternative, rough, unbound and freedom-loving, the band distinguished itself from the beginning especially by their "Fuck It All" Setting off, which Counterfeit made a voice of the youth. But at the present concert you could already tell that the Counterfeit wanted to get away from the rebel image and go in a different, more adult direction. As Counterfeit entered the stage explained singer Jamie Campbell Bower, (known from the

film "The Chronicles of the Underworld") that they would like, on this evening, to present their latest work, which they have already completed. They want to develop further, look forward and dare a new step, which is why they would like to fill this evening with songs from the new album. No sooner said than done and so they opened this not with one of their old known songs like "Come Get Some"but with a new, for the fans still unknown piece, from which we were positively surprised. Following their well-known style, they now sound more mature, fresh and combine a modern rock sound with pop and indie elements. What has not changed is their critical attitude towards authoritarian powers and so they still address problems in society and like to stand up against one or the other. "Presidents".

From love ballads to energetic awakeners, there was really everything and the fans seemed to like this mixture very much. Counterfeit gave full throttle from second one and not only on stage, but as you can see in our video recording, also from time to time in the middle of the audience. Our absolute highlight, however, was the encore with the song "Enough", which brought the audience to moshing. The whole hall roared along with the lyrics and also for us there was no stopping. A successful end for a great concert. After the concert we made a short detour to the merch stand before we drove towards Mc Donalds. We are visibly looking forward to the new album of the guys and can only recommend you to check our tourdates for the latest concerts of Counterfeit.

Concerts, festivals and more

In our BEHIND THE NOISE column we write about everything around the metal & rock scene and take a look behind the spotlights to give you a better insight into the concert. At this concert, too, we were able to collect exciting and new memories, which we will of course not withhold from you. Intense, unconventional and intoxicating. Welcome to the concert!

One show. Endless memories


Every voice counts


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