Posted by: From the editors Fugazi, Reviews No Comments on Das ist Fugazi

This is Fugazi

Hi and welcome to Lila's review!


Today we want to introduce you to a very special band that is one of the pioneers of post-hardcore.


Originally the guys of Fugazi from Washington D.C. were based in the 80's in the punk and hardcore scene which was pretty widespread in Washington at that time, however, they switched to the experimental level afterwards and at some point played the post-hardcore sound we know today.


We wanted to know more about them and did some research for you. The singer Ian MacKaye sang with "Minor Threat" before Fugazi! For the people who slept through music history, here are some facts about "Minor Threat":


"Minor Threat" was a band from Washington D.C. In high school, singer Ian was very interested in punk rock and hardcore, so he formed the band "Minor Threat" in 1980. Dear Immortals, this was the beginning of a new era! Because through "Minor Threat" the youth culture Straight Edge was founded. "Edger" are called the people who dedicate their life according to the song "Straight Edge". These people wear a black "X" on the back of their hand and speak out against alcohol, drug use and tobacco. Some have even become vegetarians.


It's a tough thing to change your life like that, but everyone has to decide for themselves. This style also rubbed off on the band Fugazi. The concert tickets were sold cheaply and there was no real advertising. The guys never sold merchandise, even the "This is not a Fugazi shirt" is not official. They played concerts all over the world including Berlin in 1992. Fugazi released several albums under their label Dischord which was founded by Ian MacKay and Jeff Nelson. They also made a documentary about their band life called "Instrument".


The studio bows to the pioneers who helped found one of our favorite genres of music and now puts in a CD of theirs.


Image source: Andy Perseponko


Lila is out, be the beat with you!

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