Album release party 2021

Devil May Care

My Immortals.. Welcome to BEHIND THE NOISE!


On the occasion of the release of their brand new album "Divine Tragedy" Devil May Care are on tour in four selected German cities to celebrate it together with their fans. The boys kicked off their release tour in Cologne, which of course prompted us to pay the band a visit. It was our first time in the Blue Shell and although Cologne is our chosen living room, where we have already been to many concerts and thus in almost all locations, we were surprised that this was our first time in the Blue Shell. A mistake that we noticed immediately upon entering the quaint retro location. The quite small, but fine, bar with just space for 100 people stands out with its futuristic bar and an almost ground-level stage.

stand out. This quite unique feeling makes it a real insider tip for concertgoers. After successful verification of our vaccination certificate by a Blue Shell employee, we entered the venue and positioned ourselves directly on the right edge of the stage, near the speakers, so that we could get a good overview of both the crowd and the stage. Seats secured and just managed to get hold of two cool blondes (real beer is only available in Cologne), 23rd Of November, an English-speaking rock group directly from the area, entered the stage. Right from the start the guys got the initially shy audience moving. With a lot of passion, dynamics and with alternating singing interludes between band and audience, 23rd Of November managed to get the crowd to join in pretty quickly.

The very melodic, for their age perhaps not quite typical, but very successful classic rock paired with some hard rock elements convinced us especially with songs like "Nobody There For You". The absolute highlight, however, was when the singer of the band jumped from the stage directly in front of me and challenged me with his guitar to an air-guitar battle. Unfortunately, I didn't have my instrument with me at the time, but will gladly accept the challenge next time. After this exciting first gig, I got something to drink at the bar for the assembled crew and meanwhile heard the next band doing their soundcheck in the background. Purple Dawn is a newcomer band from Cologne whose sound is oriented to greats like Black Sabbath and Deep Purple and can thus be attributed to the origins of metal to doom metal.

Already at the sound check you were literally pulled to the stage by the smoky voice of the singer. Back at the crew, the band started to play and the feeling they conveyed with the first note was so overwhelming and captivating that our photographer almost forgot to take pictures. It felt like being at a concert at the end of the 70s, when metal was slowly celebrating its first successes. At first we didn't want to believe that the three guys had only been playing since 2020, because it seemed as if they had been on stage together for twenty years. That it was not only us, we noticed quite quickly by the enthusiasm of the audience, which celebrated the band from the first note. Songs with lengths of up to nine minutes, guitar solos that were so good that it left you speechless, a voice that truly pulls you into its orbit and a

Drum playing that not only sets the beat, but accompanies it at the same time... that's Purple Dawn. You could tell that the trio was not playing to inspire, but out of pure passion for the music, which in turn meant that the audience was all the more enthusiastic. They demanded one encore after the other, which the band could not fulfill due to the tight schedule. But this was certainly not the last time that we, or other visitors that evening, saw the band. "Peace & Doom!" - A true highlight that you should definitely have seen live. Now last the band, for which the spectators waited so eagerly: Devil May Care. Not only for the band it was one of the first gigs after two years of Pandemic, but also for many fans it was the first time in a long time. Devil May Care let this long break

However, the band didn't let on and set a sign directly with the first song how they want to shape the rest of the evening, namely with a lot of energy, dynamics and the request to the audience to mosh, which thanked the guys by loudly roaring along already during the first song "Into The Abyss". Light-hearted and with a smile on their faces Devil May Care kept changing between well-known songs from earlier albums and songs from their new album "Divine Tragedy". Although the album was only a few hours old, there were already some at the concert who had already internalized the tracks. Enthusiastic about it, Devil May Care sang the single songs together with their fans, as long and extensively, until even the distinctive voice of singer Tim reached its limits. But a release party wouldn't be a release party if you didn't go to your utmost and

so songs like "Delirium", in which also the rap part, which is normally taken over by Jojo (singer of the band Sperling), were belted out by Tim. Full of enthusiasm as well as anticipation, the audience couldn't hold back any longer and moshed as if there was no tomorrow. But on this evening not only the release of their new album was celebrated, but also a matter of the band's heart was pointed out. Guitarist Lukas told about the project "Der Krake", which was also invited to the concert this evening, and the clean-up, which they started together with the band and other helpers in the afternoon. Their album "Divine Tragedy" is also intended to act as a wake-up call and draw attention to the pollution of our world. Devil May Care is strongly committed to the environment and also makes their merchandise from sustainable material.

With this drive and a huge applause from the audience, the evening was again duly ended with a few songs as well as an encore. We can only recommend you to keep your eyes open and check out the bands live at a stop near you. Click here for our review of Devil May Cares new album "Divine Tragedy".

Concerts, festivals and more

In our BEHIND THE NOISE column we write about everything around the metal & rock scene and take a look behind the spotlights to give you a better insight into the concert. At this concert, too, we were able to collect exciting and new memories, which we will of course not withhold from you. Intense, unconventional and intoxicating. Welcome to the concert!

One show. Endless memories


Every voice counts


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