Dorothy Release "Gifts From The Holy Ghost"

Published by: From the editors Dorothy, Reviews Keine Kommentare zu Aus der Hölle und zurück – Dorothy veröffentlichen neues Album “Gifts From The Holy Ghost”

From Hell and Back - Dorothy release new album "Gifts From The Holy Ghost

Hi and welcome to Lila's review!


This Friday Dorothy release a brand new album, forged during their journey through hell, to now present the result to the world. "Gifts From The Holy Ghost" is, as the name suggests, a true gift from heaven and has a story to tell that should definitely be heard.


But, who is behind Dorothy?


In 2013 Dorothy Martin was introduced to producer and guitarist Mark Jackson and his partner Ian Scott , who at the same time recognized the potential of the young musician, which quickly resulted in her first song "After Midnight" . A music video followed, a live performance at Swinghouse Studios and it wasn't long before the rest of the world was excited about the freshly formed band, who with this first song were just at the beginning of their career. Two EPs and two more albums were created by the band in the last few years, and now their latest work joins them.


"Gifts From The Holy Ghost" is a homage to life and symbolizes pure freedom with its slightly gloomy blues rock. That this can be over quickly, singer Dorothy already had to experience on her own body, when her technician almost died on her tour with an overdose of heroin. Fearing for him, she and her crew started praying, hoping that someone out there would hear them and bring him back. Whoever it was, it worked. As if a miracle had happened, the technician found his way back to life, which quickly led to the choice of "Gifts From The Holy Ghost" as a title for the album.


In their latest work, the band speaks mainly about themes such as healing, self-discovery or hope, which result in an anthemic sound that detaches Dorothy from their beginnings. It seems that this experience has only made the band stronger. What has remained the same, however, is Dorothy Martins raspy, dark voice, which fans of the band will appreciate. About the process of the album, the musician tells:


“I think this album is going to speak to a lot of people, it’s meant to be healing, unifying, eye-opening, ear-opening, heart-opening and celebratory. I wanted to make the realest album I could make, and I went in with the question does this make me feel alive? Does it make me feel free? If a song didn’t give me chills or make my heart soar, then it didn’t make the cut.”


"Gifts From The Holy Ghost" is an album that listens and gives light even in the darkest hours. Our magazine definitely recommends listening to the new disc and visiting the band at one of their concerts.


Photocredit: Courtney Dellafiora


Lila is out, be the beat with you!

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