Bands, Concerts & more

Pressure phase

My Immortals.. Welcome to BEHIND THE NOISE!


Looking for something new? After an eventful concert evening that you won't forget in a hurry? Then we recommend the guys from Pressure phase. Discovered, on the fourth "BlattTurbo Band Evening"We were taken with the distinctive mixture of alternative metal with German and partly English lyrics and when we received an e-mail from the guys that we had the opportunity to visit one of their concerts, we did not say no. Thus, it took us another time to Cologne in the Kult-Schuppen MTC, excited to see what awaited us that evening. Arrived in Cologne's location number 1 (when it comes to rock and underground), we gradually met the guys from Pressure phase. Who the MTC knows the living room similar

Atmosphere to appreciate and also on this evening, the mood was fantastic right from the start. Whether band member or fan, there was laughter, drinking and above all celebrating. One of the first bands of the evening were Foll. No, they were not drunk (at least I think so). Originating from Marburg, they play, according to their own statements, a homemade boozecore or, Alkpop sound, which uses influences of pop punk. In their songs the guys sing about their life, love and of course about the one or other beer. It can happen that during the performance a 'beer solo' is inserted. We have Foll as a band that performs with a lot of humor and charm and invites the audience to join in. They are also not too shy to join in with MadVox from Pressure phase the classic "Türlich türlich" from the Bo revive again

let. Chapeau! Following on from the last gig, Druckphase entered the stage next. As already mentioned at the beginning, we had last seen the band at the fourth "BlattTurbo Bandabend" and were curious how the guys would present themselves here at the MTC. Right at the beginning the guys gave full throttle and opened the show with a real wake-up call. We were already excited about the stage performance at the band evening and also this time we were not disappointed. From the first second on, the guys convinced Pressure phase not only us, but especially the audience all along the line. Should the three of them play in your corner, then I would advise you not to miss this. Located in the Alternative Metal area, they brought to the appearance not only pieces of their current disc "Entropy" but also new, unknown songs, which we had not heard before.

Druckphase is not afraid to address socio-critical topics like tolerance, diversity and freedom in their songs and packs them into German, but also English lyrics. We especially liked their song "Feuer" (Fire) this evening, a very dynamic piece, which we definitely recommend you to listen to! This song is all about looking forward and not letting anything get you down. Sticking together, that's exactly what Druckphase want to give to their fans. With their song "Unsere Zeit" the guys finished their performance and cleared the stage for the next band. Half day, these are Kai (vocals, guitar), Bene (guitar), Moritz (bass) and Martin (drums) from Cologne. Founded in 2015, the young band plays a mixture of alternative rock as well as punk and wraps it in German lyrics. Their sound sounds very natural, raw and deals primarily with

especially with topics that affect us all, such as anger, love and inner conflict. Exactly these values they also transport from the stage directly into the audience. On this evening, the four-member band offered a strong performance, based entirely on their musical talent. Unadorned and dynamic, Halbtags delivered a good performance that is a pleasure to watch a second time. The harmony between the individual band members stood out especially and is, in our opinion, exactly what Halbtags is all about. Halbtags does not hide and shows through their music what is important in life. Madness! Last but not least, formed Rebel Duck the crowning finale of the evening. Rebel Duck was founded almost nine years ago in Cologne, Dellbrück and plays, according to their own statements, the finest rock. In their sound, they combine various elements from the blues as well as the

Alternative with each other and unite them to their own, distinctive Rebell Duck sound. Exactly this sound, the four-piece band brought to the MTC. Armed with a disguised microphone stand, guitar and a scoop of passion, Rebell Duck entered the stage. Right from the start, the guys created an energetic yet casual atmosphere. The audience moved closer and also from Rebell Duck's side there seemed to be no fear of contact. I especially liked the alternation between slow, raw blues songs and fast, harder rock songs. Rebell Duck put on a classy evening to end the evening on a high note. After the concert, we said goodbye to Druckphase before heading out of the MTC to find our car.....

Concerts, festivals and more

In our BEHIND THE NOISE column we write about everything around the metal & rock scene and take a look behind the spotlights to give you a better insight into the concert. At this concert, too, we were able to collect exciting and new memories, which we will of course not withhold from you. Intense, unconventional and intoxicating. Welcome to the concert!

One show. Endless memories


Every voice counts


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