Hellblind releases new work "A Plague On All Your Houses

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Rage in Energy - Hellblind unveil their debut EP "A Plague On All Your Houses" this Wednesday

Hi and welcome to Lila's review!


Musicians know all too well that this energy of displeasure or anger can be transformed into something constructive, and Hellblind, a newcomer band from England, knows how to deal with it. Their debut EP "A Plague On All Your Houses." will be released this March and offers an unbridled hardcore sound that we don't want to deprive you of.


Hellblind was formed in Pandemic times with the idea of bringing forth one of the heaviest sounds around to transform those gazed emotions into a dynamic, loud metal sound. Founders Mark Clayden (Pitchshifter) and Paul Fletcher (Romeo Must Die) speak with this thought many from the soul and provide with their aggressive, fast playing one the necessary output to blow off steam.


"A Plague On All Your Houses." consists of a total of five songs, in which the five-member band put their mixture of hardcore and grindcore. Combined with punk as well as light melodic hardcore, the band delivers a versatile young debut album that makes you look forward to future songs. Especially the change between the guttural vocals and the parts where singer Adam Frakes-Sime uses rough voice are among our highlights on the record. The EP was produced at Grindstone Studios by Scott Atkins, where Cradle Of Filth, Savage Messiah and Divine Chaos have also recorded. "A Plague On All Your Houses." will be released on March 23 on Revenger Records via Cargo Records. About their single "Hitched" the band tells:


“In Hitched geht es um den langsamen Aufbau von Ressentiments in einer gescheiterten Ehe. Der langsame Abbau des Respekts füreinander, während ein ständiger, nicht zu gewinnender Kampf inmitten des Gefühls des Verlusts des eigenen wahren Selbst an einen anderen stattfindet.“


Hellblind have laid a massive foundation for their further musical career with their first EP and we are curious to hear what else we will get to hear from them. For now we enjoy the new disc and let "Hitched" run on repeat.


Photocredit: Hellblind


Lila is out, be the beat with you!

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