The Rockfels Festival 2017

Kissin Dynamite

My Immortals.. Welcome to BEHIND THE NOISE!


Already for a long time a visit to the Rockfels Loreley Festival on our to - do list. Well my Immortals, it was time to check off this item and finally go there. Our studio managed the long drive not without pitfalls (more about that in the festival report) but we finally made it on time for the gig of Kissin' Dynamite to be there. Just through the control of the security, we already heard the first sounds of Kissin'Dynamite and as it should be at a festival, we went directly to the immediate vicinity of the stage. On our way to the front tiers, we quickly caught a glimpse of the festival grounds in passing to know later where there is what.

Just through the security check, we already heard the first sounds of Kissin' Dynamite and as it should be at a festival, we went directly to the immediate vicinity of the stage. On our way to the front tiers, we quickly caught a glimpse of the festival grounds in passing to know later where there is what. When we arrived at the front, our camera man daringly jumped into the middle of the crowd of reporters to take the best pictures for our studio (thanks to all the brave cameramen). I, on the other hand, joined the spectators in the front ranks, because the feeling of a festival is best perceived in the crowd. Kissin' Dynamite delivered as expected a very professional performance and heated up the crowd despite the early hour already powerful. It did not take long since they had the audience under their spell

and visibly enjoyed their performance. In the middle of the concert Hannes suddenly disappeared backstage while the rest of the band continued to play unperturbed. Not only I seemed a little irritated. You could also see the irritation in the faces of the audience. But before I could finish my thought Hannes was already back on stage with a king's cloak over his shoulders and a scepter stretched far into the air to thunderous applause from the audience. Pure Metal as you love him and with a live performance that is looking for your equal, the guys knew really convince.who Kissin' Dynamite will know that a one-hour gig doesn't really push the guys to their limits, even with the prevailing temperatures.

So the guys formed a pyramid shortly before the end of the last song and brought the concert to an end in this position. Kissin' Dynamite has clearly proven itself on this sultry afternoon and we look forward to hearing more about the band in the future! At some point, our team said goodbye to the stage and went to get something to drink and eat. Until my cell phone then showed me 16:40....

Concerts, festivals and more

In our BEHIND THE NOISE column we write about everything around the metal & rock scene and take a look behind the spotlights to give you a better insight into the concert. At this concert, too, we were able to collect exciting and new memories, which we will of course not withhold from you. Intense, unconventional and intoxicating. Welcome to the concert!

One show. Endless memories


Every voice counts


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