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Music for life - High 5ive Agency make a statement with "Låtar För Livet
Hi and welcome to Lila's news!
Recently we received a message from far away Sweden about a heart project of the High 5ive Agency. With the support of bands as well as artists from the metal and rock field, they released the album "Låtar För Livet" ("Songs for Life") in which Swedish pop songs were remade in good old metal style.
How does that sound? Awesome!
When we first heard about it, we were not sure how much we would like the Swedish-language album, but already after the first song "5 Minuter" from Noija all doubts were removed. The language barrier was no obstacle compared to the concentrated load of passion and feelings, which are transposed to the listener through the songs. To that, the individual covers are not too much oriented to the originals, which is not only pleasant, but also highlights the bands and their individual styles. The tuning of the individual transitions is also on point.
The independent music agency High 5ive did not create this project without reason, however, because ALL proceeds are donated to the Suicide Zero organization, a suicide prevention organization in Sweden. The agency not only makes a financial contribution, but also tries to raise awareness of the problem and help with the help of music.
You too can support this wonderful project by listening, sharing or buying the album. We are in any case positively surprised and nominate "Låtar För Livet" to our "Album of the month".
For all those who are still unsure, here is the video on "Sand" from Those Without:
Image Source: High 5ive Records
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