The concert at the Blue Shell with Dream Nails and

Nova Twins

Just heard in stereo, they were already on stage right in front of us - we were allowed to be there live when the Nova Twins announced their tour start in Cologne and stood in the middle of the crowd to tell you about this incredible concert experience. Nova Twins had announced their own headlining tour through Europe already in Corona times, only as we all surely got to know the Virus, spontaneity is its specialty. Accordingly, the band had to postpone their tour several times and finally landed on a Sunday evening in the Blue Shell, where new as well as old fans were already waiting to see them live. We were also looking forward to the concert for a long time, because the idea of this band playing in a small location like the Blue Shell could only be close to a demolition. And so it was.

In the small room of the Blue Shell with its black and white tiles and the blue painted bar, the fans gathered and waited for the gig next to the merchandise and a cool drink. The location is made for this, to accommodate a handful of spectators who are in the mood for a living room concert. Approaching 7pm, it got more and more crowded until finally out of the crowd, the first band stepped on the small stage, which is maybe one step higher than the floor. "Get ready to lose your shit!" - Dream Nails from London were visiting crazy Cologne, which stands for its openness, tolerance and versatility. In front of us stood a band that carried exactly this attitude outward and wanted to convey only one thing with their music: Be as you are. It quickly became clear that Dream Nails doesn't just do queer punk,

but really wanted to convey a message that also reached the audience. Colorful and freaky the band played through the individual songs and especially singer "..." seemed to like the approval from the audience, so she just took off on stage. Most impressive were songs like "Kiss My Fist," an anthem for all LGBTQ+. Dream Nails definitely came out strong as the opener and the crowd was so enthusiastic that encore calls were not missing.


How was the Nova Twins concert?


After a short break, it was finally time for Nova Twins to take the stage accompanied by their drummer.

Dressed in alt clothes, the two women stood smiling in front of the crowd, plugged in their instruments and greeted the fans with the first song "Antagonist". If you haven't watched Nova Twins live yet, you've missed something. There is no comparison to their records at all. The band is so authentic in what they do and also in terms of sound, they bring their songs across so clearly that you feel as if you were recording with them in the studio. With ease both twins managed to operate their big effect boards, to interact with the audience and to dance as well as to perform. A brilliant performance, we can only take our hats off to (Chapeau!). Especially Amy Love has such a wide range that her voice will surely pull along with big names of metal as well as pop.

Nova Twins concert at Blue Shell Cologne

can. Madness! For their performance, the band put together a versatile repertoire, which had pieces from their first EP as well as their latest album "Supernova". It was moshed, danced and celebrated until the sweat literally ran down from the speakers. When songs like "Unbreakable" or "Fire & Ice" were played, it was time for both twins to move the party into the crowd, which was already looking forward to it. In the pit it really went off and if we hadn't had the cameras with us, we wouldn't have dodged the pogoing masses. Finally the whole thing was rounded off with their song "Choose Your Fighter", where the band gave everything again and said goodbye. But when the shouts of the crowd became so loud, the band went back on stage and asked which song they should play. The voices became loud

for the song "Alfina", where the band admitted that they have not played this for six months and must first find their way. That this is difficult for professionals was clear, but after a short game it went off and the audience was sent home with the alt-rock song.


Nova Twins definitely picked us up this evening and thrilled us. If they play near us again, we will definitely stop by, which is why we are already looking forward to seeing you next time on site 😉 Absolute recommendation!

Concerts, festivals and more

In our BEHIND THE NOISE column we write about everything around the metal & rock scene and take a look behind the spotlights to give you a better insight into the concert. At this concert, too, we were able to collect exciting and new memories, which we will of course not withhold from you. Intense, unconventional and intoxicating. Welcome to the concert!

One show. Endless memories


Every voice counts


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