Concert at Luxor with The Haunt and Flash Floward

Palaye Royale

My Immortals.. Welcome to BEHIND THE NOISE!


Outside was the cold and inside the place was boiling - Luxor. On an icy Wednesday in the middle of the "metropolis" Cologne, returned Palaye Royale after almost half a year in the context of their recent European - tour back there. It was tour start. Of course we didn't want to miss this and so we went back to our "living room". Close to each other we stood together with the fans, outside in front of the venue, and tuned up with old familiar songs. My Chemical Romance Songs warm. The mood was cheerful. From the Luxor sounded always loud, soft, hearty sounds, which announced the sound check. The event was attended not only by Palaye Royale, but also The Haunt and Flash Forward. All bands from which we have already heard a lot. Especially good.

We entered the shed right on time. A bit secluded, but with a good view of the action, we looked at the crowds ahead of us, who were eagerly awaiting nothing more than the guys from Palaye Royale standing on the stage. At the bar the drinks clinked and also we didn't miss the chance to drink something. With a cool drink in hand we looked at the stage and could also a little later The Haunt welcome. Young, innovative and wild - That's how you can describe The Haunt describe perfectly. The up-and-coming band around frontwoman Anastasia, delivers a sound that is characterized by a lot of passion. It is rock. Good rock. A sound to which people sing along and celebrate. Especially the very young 16-year-old Anastasia impressed us very much. Without shyness and with a lot of dynamics she sang her songs loudly. The band offers a good stage presence and knows exactly

they have to pick up the masses. Without effects, without frills, The Haunt are above all natural. That's exactly what we appreciate so much about them. Above all, I was impressed by the strong interplay between Anastasia and her brother Maxamillion impressed, which also together the song "Dirty" perform. Their voices harmonized perfectly. The band is multi-layered and shows quite a bit of stage experience despite their young age. Chapeau! Right after that the next band performed: Flash Forward. The guys, born in the Ruhr area, classify themselves in the track of alternative rock and deliver a loose, lively sound that makes you want more. Good mood and a lot of fun, that's their secret recipe. Flash Forward is modern, fresh and shows their full potential especially on stage. They are loud, energetic, wild and that's what makes them so good. Into the Luxor the four have a real

good atmosphere delivered. The interesting thing about the guys is that they give everything to give the audience a good concert experience. So it also happened that singer Stefan ran through the crowd, climbed on the bar and from there heated up the crowd. Loud cheers from all over the place. Flash Forward has definitely convinced and made powerful noise for the next and last band. Palaye Royale. Far away from overseas, dressed from a time that no longer exists, the three guys stand out for originality. They are different and that's what makes it so exciting. The band describes their music as "Fashion - Art Rock" and lives quite freely according to the rules of rock'n'roll. Energetic, restless and dynamic offered Palaye Royale a good show there. Words like "break" seemed to be foreign to them, the Remington (singer) used every spot in the Luxor he could get: Sometimes he stood in the crowd, sometimes in front of it or sometimes

he used my shoulder to climb somewhere on it. With my size somehow no miracle. The boys brought the place to the boiling point. It got warmer and warmer. From song to song the band went one better and increased the atmosphere immeasurably. The audience cheered until they were hoarse and Palaye Royale seemed to have fun as well. Above all, well-known songs like "Get Higher" live again redefined and modified. But nothing beats our highlight, our absolute highlight of the evening, which made the last song. Apparently have Palaye Royale our bawling to the My Chemical Romance songs. Thus, it pleased the fans even more when the sounds of "Teenagers" sounded. The crowds were jumping up and down. The guys were having a great time and so were we.

At the end there was a huge applause for Palaye Royale in which they said goodbye. So it took us, after a detour at Mc's also home to bed. We really enjoyed the concert and are thrilled by so much good music, which came to our ears on this day. A really good evening!

Concerts, festivals and more

In our BEHIND THE NOISE column we write about everything around the metal & rock scene and take a look behind the spotlights to give you a better insight into the concert. At this concert, too, we were able to collect exciting and new memories, which we will of course not withhold from you. Intense, unconventional and intoxicating. Welcome to the concert!

One show. Endless memories


Every voice counts


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