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Once upon Rock history... A look back at the history of the cult festival Rock am Ring
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A new year means a new beginning, and what better way to start than with a look into the past? Rock am Ring, one of Germany's cult festivals, has an eventful history that deserves to be highlighted once again. This year, the festival in question is celebrating 40 years of history and invites you to join in the celebrations once again in June. You can find all the information here.
Now it's time to lean back, grab a hot drink and let yourself be transported back to a time when everything was back to square one.
Our story begins in 1971 with the British Rock Meeting in Speyer, organized by the legendary promoters Marek Lieberberg and Marcel Avram. Inspired by Woodstock, they wanted the Palatinate to have its own rock event, which is why they decided to bring it to Germany without further ado. Even back then, iconic bands such as Deep Purple and Black Sabbath, who are now considered absolute legends, were allowed to perform on stage.
Rock am Ring didn't really get off the ground until May 1985, when it celebrated its premiere as we know it today: Loud, colorful and, above all, iconic. Originally planned as a one-off event, it attracted a whopping 75,000 visitors to the Nürburgring with stars such as U2, Foreigner and Joe Cocker. The response was so overwhelming that it quickly became clear: This was not to be a one-off.
Big moments and challenges were also taken on by the festival in 1987 when it hosted one of its most memorable performances: David Bowie was given his own oversized Glass Spider stage - a visual and musical sensation that really did loom over Bowie's stage like a giant spider. Simply insane!
But not everything always went smoothly. After a drop in visitor numbers in 1988, the festival took a break and only returned in 1991 with a new three-day concept. This innovation proved successful and laid the foundations for the festival's continued success to this day.
Perhaps this is also the reason why the festival has remained in Germany: Always trying, trying new things and, above all, growing. Growth and diversity is one of the characteristics that Rock am Ring has retained. In 1996, it broke a record with over 75,000 visitors, which was only surpassed in 2022 after the coronavirus pandemic with 90,000 visitors. In 1998, the introduction of a third stage, the House of Comedy Stage, provided a wider range of entertainment. Comedians such as Mario Barth and Michael Mittermeier performed here and provided a few laughs.
Legendäre Line-ups: Von Metallica 2001 über Guns N’ Roses 2006 bis hin zu The Prodigy 2009 – Rock am Ring hat über die Jahre hinweg zahlreiche Weltstars willkommen geheißen. Eine besonders schöne Aktion bot 2009 die Möglichkeit, zehn Liveauftritte aufzeichnen und weitere Songs herunterladen zu können – ein einzigartiges Andenken für Fans, das vielleicht mit einer Jubiläums-Vinyl mit den besten Live-Auftritten in Zeiten von Retro-Revivals wiederholt werden könnte, oder? Wir sind gespannt, was es in diesem Jahr geben wird.
Between 2009 and 2022, the festival had to overcome various challenges. Changes of location, severe weather warnings and even terrorist threats presented the organizers with enormous tasks. However, 2022 marked the triumphant return to the Nürburgring and the end of a difficult phase.
All the hard work has definitely paid off.
The last few years once again offered unforgettable moments: Weezer surprised with a cover version of “Africa”, Grandson delivered an electrifying set in the rain, and the Donots caused a stir with an impromptu performance on the Main Stage. Equally impressive were the performances by headliners such as Broilers and Kraftklub, just to mention a few in passing.
Rock am Ring is much more than just a music festival. It is a mirror of music history, a place for unique experiences and a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity. With each new year, it writes another chapter in its impressive chronicle. The journey is far from over - and perhaps the best stories are still waiting to be written. Our magazine can therefore only recommend that you celebrate this unique event together in June this year and secure one of the tickets that are still available..
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