Underground at track 11, Bergheim

Rock In The Fort

My Immortals.. Welcome to BEHIND THE NOISE!


Last celebrated with more than 70.000 Ringrockers in the Green Hell, we went now to the Rock in the fortOne of the smallest band evenings in the vicinity of Cologne: Rock im Fort invited again this year to make a lot of noise together with Among Traitors, Coming Down, Alunite as well as UNDO in the small contemplative Bergheim... And we as always in the middle of it.


At Gleis 11 it was loud, crazy and above all... colorful! Organizer Dennis had invited and numerous followed his call to pay homage to four bands from the metal and rock. With Gleis 11 the ideal location was found, with enough space to celebrate a band evening in a personal atmosphere.

Free admission, a cool drink and four bands playing up close for you. What more could you want? The first to enter the stage of the former station building were Among Traitors who represented the somewhat heavier part of the program this evening with a very dynamic metalcore. Just in the audience, now on stage, where drummer Jan took off his shoes for the first time and started a more than terrific performance. Among Traitors, in a genre where it's often hard to tell the individual songs apart, manage to bring in a dynamic that gave each song its own facet (something not many bands manage to do in this genre). Between hardcore punk, deathcore and metalcore put Among Traitors their own interpretation of the three musical styles, which they underlined especially in songs like "Prison".

But also serious topics like animal husbandry have a place in your songs, which you impressively proved. A band that you simply must have experienced live and that unleashed an incredible potential with their performance.

After a short changeover phase, the evening continued with Coming Down, who played with a lot of humor and passion. Their music is very melodic, hard and changes constantly between alternative, metal and rock. Gleis 11 is a really great location, but you could tell right away that the stage can't be big enough for the guys and so they also used the space in front of the stage. Singer Marvin's quite unique voice color is an experience in itself, which with its wide range could certainly also give songs from Metallica & Co. to the best. But in a band that plays at such a high level, it's no wonder.

From shirts with cats on them, the smallest Wall Of Death there probably ever was (six people) to funny anecdotes, Coming Down was a total package that we can only recommend to you as well.

Unmistakable, that's how the band Alunite can be described, who have engaged an incredible vocal power with front singer Pika. With a smoky, bright and at the same time warm sounding voice, she attracted attention right at the beginning. The band, which played a mixture of melodic metal and alternative metal, was the ideal complement to the previous program and also put on an insane performance with their versatile sound. From fast pieces to slow, emotional songs brought Alunite a lot of variety, which they linked with personal dialogues with the audience.

Especially with songs like "Breath In New Life" the band gave us immense goosebumps, where we still have the moment right in front of our eyes.

The last band, UNDO, could not have been a better choice to close the day. Especially since organizer Dennis also played in the band as a drummer and now let the evening come to a fitting end on stage. Their music is rocking, handmade with a pinch of "special something", which makes the band very extraordinary, and we mean that positively. Even if the audience was a bit worn out after three bands, UNDO made sure with a lot of energy that the audience became more lively from song to song. Especially during songs like "I've Got A Mind" or "Out Of Here" we were literally pulled along and the band didn't miss any opportunity to spur themselves and the audience on.

UNDO simply sweeps you along and likes to interact with their audience, which is why they didn't miss the opportunity to sing a birthday serenade for an audience member.


The Rock im Fort was a successful evening with a lot of music, passion and definitely a lot of fun. It is a meeting place for professional musicians from the underground, who come together in a familiar atmosphere. So we can only recommend you to just drop by and not to miss it next year!

Concerts, festivals and more

In our BEHIND THE NOISE column we write about everything around the metal & rock scene and take a look behind the spotlights to give you a better insight into the concert. At this concert, too, we were able to collect exciting and new memories, which we will of course not withhold from you. Intense, unconventional and intoxicating. Welcome to the concert!

One show. Endless memories


Every voice counts


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