Album Release Party

Sober Truth

My Immortals.. Welcome to BEHIND THE NOISE!


Where do we begin, my Immortals?
Best with the fact that we had the opportunity to report on a concert on October 11, and to experience this live. Sober Truth, the band behind our "Album Of The Month" had invited to an album release party at the Groove Bar in Cologne and since we like to call Cologne our extended living room we followed this call to see the underground combo live. This time we actually ended up at the Groove Bar in Cologne, which we had never considered until that day (in retrospect, to our shame). We have heard of it, but have never been there for whatever reason.The location itself is perfectly suited for smaller concerts, which this

typical living room feeling convey and thus exactly to our taste. Small but nice! We were told that the premises used to belong to a small cinema, which was then lovingly converted into today's Groove Bar. Packed with state-of-the-art technology, the Groove Bar thus attracts not only underground bands, but also local greats like Brings, Kasalla (who held a streaming concert there during the Pandemic with nearly 20,000 online viewers) or the Black Fööss. Modern technology, quaint interior with corners and edges "Chapeau". You can see the result of this conversion to an event location on our pictures. Let's get to why we like to call Cologne our living room. You simply feel at home because the Rhinelanders are easy-going, direct and uncomplicated. So also, as

we didn't find our name on the guest list, which was settled at the Groove Bar without further ado with the words "No problem, we'll get Torsten". A little wait, a little talk with Torsten and we were in. When the concert was announced with the first soundchecks on guitar and bass and the audience found their way to the stage, the switch from tension to anticipation was flipped. The first concert after a long time and that without masks. Correctly read, the initially planned 3G became a 2G event (all vaccinated & only two with a PCR test), which is why the mask requirement was also dropped. The lightness, which this brought along, could be seen by the spectators. This is the best way to celebrate. After the sound check was coming to an end, the band tested the interlude players as the last thing, which, however, were too late for them.

Surprise did not work. However, as it turned out, Sober Truth and the owners of the Groove Bar knew how to deal with such an unexpected situation and took it with humor. Torsten thus started the evening with the words: "Okay then, I'm the intro, are you in a good mood?", whereupon the audience cheered. The first notes of the track "Imperfection" rang out and it became immediately clear that Sober Truth missed the stage and playing in front of a live audience. True to their principle "this band is passion" they let exactly this flash from the beginning. The band was visibly in a good mood and the audience was hungry for a live experience - The best conditions for a memorable concert. This was underpinned by their tireless perfection, which Sober Truth not only put into their albums off stage, but also into their concerts: A

energetic and perfectly coordinated show and an absolutely harmonious interaction among each other. Sober Truth know how to inspire and implement this skillfully. During the first half of the show songs from the new record, like "DNA", "Rebirth" or one of our favorites "Dizygotic Twins" were played every now and then, which were skillfully integrated into the show between older works. The whole thing to the delight of the audience, who thus got to enjoy the new songs, but were always asked to pogo and bawl along with the well-known tracks. A truly great concept for a really successful "release party". Also in the second part of the event, after a little Corona airing break, Sober Truth continued exactly where they had left off, heating up the crowd. The interesting thing about it: the first part of the events stretched over just under

fifteen songs, the second was not inferior to this, i.e. the band played not one, but two concerts in one evening. Such a show and twice in a row we have not been presented so far. In addition, the longer the evening went on, the more energetic and enthusiastic the band became about their playing, which is why they were drawn into the audience from time to time to the estimated 100 spectators, who cheered the band on loudly. It seemed as if Sober Truth knew no limits and if they did, the joy of the "release party" was probably so great that the physical limits were simply faded out. Simply madness and at this point another chapeau from us! After the two sets were played, there was a double encore demanded by the audience, which duly ended the evening with the track "My Life".

Corona has slowed down many bands, promoters as well as venues, but has not stopped them from doing what they love: Music. With this concert, both Sober Truth and Groove Bar proved that the wait and the fight are worth it. We can definitely recommend you to follow the next concert dates at the Groove Bar and of course to see Sober Truth live once as well as to listen to their new album "Laissez Faire, Lucifer!". By the way, the band will be playing at the Escalate Festival on October 9, which we will also be attending. Save the date!

Concerts, festivals and more

In our BEHIND THE NOISE column we write about everything around the metal & rock scene and take a look behind the spotlights to give you a better insight into the concert. At this concert, too, we were able to collect exciting and new memories, which we will of course not withhold from you. Intense, unconventional and intoxicating. Welcome to the concert!

One show. Endless memories


Every voice counts


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