Published by: From the editors News, Stand Atlantic Keine Kommentare zu Stand Atlantic tritt der Rude Records Familie bei!

Stand Atlantic joins the Rude Records family!

Hello my Immortals and welcome to Lila's News!


On a hot day like today, you just want to sit down, drink something cold and just let yourself go. To accompany the "idleness" also suitable, we would like to offer you Rude Records introduce the newest member of our family.


Stand Atlantic, a band from Australia which moves in the genre Alternative Pop/- Rock, has now made the big leap: They signed with the Independent Label Rude Records. The now three-piece band has been in existence for three years and has already released an EP under their own direction entitled "A place apart".


In any case, the band is looking forward to the future collaboration with Rude Records and told about this: "We feel so lucky to be in the hands of the Rude Records family, they've been nothing but supportive and passionate from day one!".


We are happy for the band and keep you up to date! Our studio turns up the volume and wishes you a nice day.


You can always find the latest news about the band and many other artists on our social media channels.........


Image source: Brandon Lung


Lila is out, be the beat with you!

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