Posted by: From the editors The Funeral Portrait, Reviews No Comments on The Funeral Portrait veröffentlichen neues Album “Greetings From Suffocate City” – Unser “Album of the Month”
The Funeral Portrait veröffentlichen neues Album “Greetings From Suffocate City” – Unser “Album of the Month”
Hi and welcome to Lila's review..
Or should I say: “Welcome to Suffocate City!”
One of the most impressive albums of the year is in the pipeline and is already among our 2024 highlights. The Funeral Portrait are releasing their new album “Greetings From Suffocate City” this Friday via Better Noise Music - and in doing so, they are sending out a strong signal.
For all those who feel misunderstood, marginalized or simply like outsiders: “Suffocate City” is for you. Under the direction of The Funeral Portrait, a musical home is being created here, forming a new community with a unique mix of emotional rock and a penchant for theatricality. This “Coffin Crew” is not only a tight-knit community, but also boasts almost 800,000 monthly listeners on Spotify - a clear sign that The Funeral Portrait is about to usher in a new era. The band manages to bring back the sound of the 2000s emo phase, combining it with modern influences and giving it their very own charm. It's hard not to become an instant fan here.
When you listen to “Suffocate City”, you feel like you are walking through the streets of this fictional city yourself. Worries, fears, dark thoughts - everything that often weighs us down is transformed here into a sense of belonging. “Suffocate City” is a place where everyone is welcome.
„Suffocate City is our heaven, but you don’t have to wait until you die to go there,“
erklärt Frontmann Lee Jennings treffend. „Es ist ein Ort, an dem jeder dazugehören kann, egal wer du bist. Wir waren selbst ‘weird’ kids, die von der alternativen Musik und Kultur gerettet wurden, und jetzt wollen wir dieses Geschenk weitergeben.“
Musically, this album is a veritable firework of emotions and drama. Each track has its own style, its own universe of sound that shows a different facet of the band. The music on “Suffocate City” is full of energetic anthems that make you feel and sing along. Each melody carries an impressive force that immediately grabs the listener and draws them into the emotional world of the band.
The contrast between songs such as “Doom And Gloom” and “Holy Water” is particularly striking and proves the versatility of The Funeral Portrait. Despite their fresh debut status, the band sounds as if they have already perfected their craft. The fact that they have support from big names such as Spencer Charnas (Ice Nine Kills), Danny Worsnop (Asking Alexandria), Bert McCracken (The Used) and Eva Under Fire says it all.
“Suffocate City” is my absolute favorite for this month - and therefore our ‘Album of the Month’ for July. Anyone who likes intense, dramatic rock that hits deep into the heart will love this album.
Photocredit: Aaron Marsh
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