Concert at Luxor with Microwave, Lizzy Farrall and

Tiny Moving Parts

My Immortals.. Welcome to BEHIND THE NOISE!


In our studio droned for the second time the latest disc of Tiny Moving Parts from the speakers, while the coffee machine was running at full speed to provide us with plenty of caffeine... just a normal day. Gathered in our small studio halls, we sat together and discussed the latest news from the scene as well as possible concert visits that are still in the offing this winter. Today's Tiny Moving Parts Concert at Luxor in Cologne we were looking forward to for weeks and our expectations should be more than fulfilled with a memorable evening. At this point: Thank you so much Denise & Marina! After an almost hopeless search for a parking space (who has ever traveled by car to a concert in the Luxor, MTC or Blueshell will certainly know this) we were finally in the cult shed

in the front line and were already looking forward to the performance of the first artist. Lizzy Farrall. Lizzy Farrall is young, talented and above all extremely authentic. The artist, who comes from England, is under contract with Pure Noise Records and released her latest work "Barbados" this year. In her songs she likes to pack themes like loss or love into a charming, girlie sound that can be classified between pop and rock music. Lizzy shows with their open manner that you don't have to hide behind norms and rules and above all that you shouldn't let life get you down. From the first second on the band gave full throttle. Lizzy danced her heart out and convinced with a really strong stage presence. She also always looked for direct contact with the audience, took them with her and heated up the atmosphere. Especially with songs like "Games" or "Help" she also thrilled the audience, who had never heard Lizzy before.

did not have on the screen. We were especially convinced by their positive, dynamic sound, which you like to listen to not only live, but also at home through your home speakers. You shouldn't miss it... it's worth listening to! After a short break with a pending sound check, the band Microwave seamlessly continued their last performance and greeted the audience directly with a wake-up call. Microwave are four guys from Atlanta, USA. Formed about seven years ago in Woodstock, they have already shared the stage with greats like Jimmy Eat World, The Dangerous Summer or The Wonder Years and have released three albums and five EPs to date. Located in the alternative rock, they mix their sound with various elements of progressive and hardcore and combine them with various effects, which they do not miss live. Loudly they made sure that the heated mood had no chance to cool down and convinced with a

very own, original sound that made you want more. Microwave plays quite varied and diverse music, which includes everything from slow to fast pieces. Included, their latest album "Death Is A Warm Blanket"which was released just last month. We especially liked the song "Mirrors", which we would definitely like to offer you as an introduction to "Mircowaves Sound Universe" would like to recommend. Then the time had come. Accompanied by thunderous applause, entered Tiny Moving Parts the stage. Anxious to see which song the three guys would sing first, the masses pressed forward more and more, compressing every last free space. From minute one on, the audience was almost unstoppable. It was bawled, moshed and rarely have we seen a crowd, which gave so text-sure and persevering every song from the beginning to the end to the best. Since their foundation in 2008 Tiny Moving Parts a family band that always maintains direct contact with its fans.

In their songs they deal with many personal topics, such as the fear of death or the loss of loved ones and pack these fears into an energetic, dynamic punk rock sound, which can also be heard on their latest disc "breathe" clearly to hear. On this evening they played beside songs like "Medicine" or "Bloody Nose" from the new disc, also older pieces which of course found great approval in the audience. Also for surprises are Tiny Moving Parts always to have and so they harnessed without further ado singer Nathan from Microwave with in order to "Stay Warm" to perform with. From song to song, the exceptional trio went one better and convinced on all levels. Above all, the harmonious interplay of the band made the concert a truly memorable evening, which Tiny Moving Parts finally rounded off with an encore. After the guys disappeared backstage and the lights came on in the Luxor, we made our way through the masses and started our way home.

Concerts, festivals and more

In our BEHIND THE NOISE column we write about everything around the metal & rock scene and take a look behind the spotlights to give you a better insight into the concert. At this concert, too, we were able to collect exciting and new memories, which we will of course not withhold from you. Intense, unconventional and intoxicating. Welcome to the concert!

One show. Endless memories


Every voice counts


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