Posted by: From the editors Reviews, The Rocket No Comments on To the moon and back – Die Band The Rocket
To the moon and back - The band The Rocket
Hi and welcome to Lila's review!
Once to the moon and back please... that's what went through my head when I heard the new song by the band we'd like to introduce to you today. The Rocketare 5 guys from Belgium who have given pop punk a new, spacy twist and, we are sure, will inspire many. The best way to find out what it sounds like is to see for yourself (below you will find a link to the band's new video "Chain Reactions").
If I had to describe it, I would say that it is a successful mix of exhilarating sound blended with loud pop punk sounds. Together, this makes you feel like you're about to take off into weightlessness. With Marc McClusky , The Rocket found a producer for the new album who really knows what to do with the term punk. It is no coincidence that he has already worked with bands such as Weezer, Motion City Soundtrack or even the punk legends Bad Religion together. To the sounds of "Chain Reactions" and their own sound, the guys say the following:
"We've always loved to write it's-all-gone-to-hell-songs disguised as happy songs. Chain Reaction definitely is one of those. We love juxtaposing cheery (cheesy?) melodies with in your face lyrics because hey, is there a better metaphor for life? Let's pretend we're all loving the daily grind 'cause that makes life worthwhile, right?"
The Rocket have already played on various stages, including the biggest punk rock festival in Europe Groezrock. In April The Rocket They will release their new album (which we will of course tell you about) and who knows, maybe we will see the guys here in Germany with new songs in their luggage. We would definitely be happy about that. Not much is known about the new album yet, but the guys have already used the hashtag #ARNTFTS (as a hint to the album) and the first single release "Chain Reactions" published.... You are welcome to send us your ideas for the hashtag on Twitter or Facebook communicate.
We are looking forward to the band's new album with high expectations and are counting down the days until its release. But until then, you should definitely watch the video for "Chain Reactions" pull in .....
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