One weekend, 25 bands and a lot of good music!

Trafostation 61-Festival

Trafostation-61 Festival in Frechen

Hi and welcome to Behind The Noise!


A festival season without a visit to the Trafostation 61 festival would be unthinkable for us. The self-proclaimed do-it-yourself (DIY) festival took place again this year and invited everyone who enjoys good music to join the party. In a familiar atmosphere, there were three days of extensive partying and laughing. We have summarized our impressions from the three days here!


If you've never been to the Trafofestival, you can imagine it something like this: A sworn community that has built a stage in the middle of the forest to welcome bands from the metal, rock as well as punk.

Everyone who likes good music and likes to party, will be on the Transformer Festival welcomed with open arms. It is a festival that, despite its indie character, operates at a highly professional level with an insane crew that makes this possible from year to year. From this, around the Trafofestival grew much more than just an association, but a family that takes care of the festival. International and national musicians are invited and carefully selected in advance for the ears of the Trafoheads, the visitors on site. This results in a versatile line-up, which also likes to have one or two surprises in store. Newcomers in particular, but also local greats, join hands not only on stage, but also in front of it: the bands themselves often come to the festival as visitors, so as not to miss the spectacle.

Trafostation-61 Festival in Frechen
Trafostation-61 Festival in Frechen

But not only musically, but also culinary the festival provides a lot. From curry with rice, to sausages and fries, as well as crepes and breakfast in the morning for the campers. In addition, there is the possibility to enjoy your meal in an idyllic atmosphere and to relax on one of the many seating options, such as the "recycled" sofas, which will be used for this weekend one last time before their actual disposal. Merchandise was also plentiful on site and could be purchased from both the bands themselves and the festival. Also present this year was the BlattTurbo Magazine, which again with its proceeds from the sale of merchandise, supported the local scene.


But now to our highlights of the weekend:

On the first day there were already the first highlights in the form of Bear Parliament as well as Suburbian Rex. Bear Parliament played an extensive set with a lot of progressive as well as melodic metal, which was mainly formed by the mixture of the changing vocals. Especially memorable was the presentation of a brand new song of the band, which was still in progress and therefore simply presented with "In die Fresse" as a working title. With a lot of energy, this was also presented directly and thus gave a first foretaste of a version that we would so love to hear live again. A musical contrast was provided by Suburbian Rex, who kicked ass with their slightly psychedelic rock. Blues met Alternative Rock, which led to catchy choruses with partly harmonic changes. Homemade music from Cologne and in addition the sun, which slowly disappeared behind the trees at this time... Madness!

Trafostation-61 Festival in Frechen
Trafostation-61 Festival in Frechen

Also on the second day there were some bands, for which the visit to the Trafo was more than worth it. One example is Blitzer, who traveled 600km to play there. The band had formed in 2020 and thus recorded just their second appearance... and what a one! The classic metal sound and the vocal power of singer Elias underlined the dynamic performance of the band, which has gained another fan with our magazine.


A band that should not be missing from this list is Purple Dawn. Who else manages to captivate the audience with a five-minute instrumental piece, at the end of which singer Patrick belts out just two notes to make it a goosebump moment?

Not many! ...which is why Purple Dawn are also one of our absolute insider tips. With their mixture of doom metal, rock and blues, the band brings an unconventional sound to the stage, whose playing gives you the feeling of being at a live jam. It's a lot of fun to watch them and especially to party with them. Therefore: Peace & Doom!


After so many energetic performances and the sultry weather, the next drink stand is fortunately never far and within reach. Around the crowd there was a quick remedy in the form of a beverage cart and a tiki bar, where you could also get cocktails. Those who wanted to relax could make themselves comfortable on the small beach, from where one could also see the stage.

Trafostation-61 Festival in Frechen
Trafostation-61 Festival in Frechen

One of the coolest things about the place is definitely the custom currency you had to pay with at the tiki bar or even at the food stalls. We like to call them "Trafo-Taler", although there is probably already a name for it (if not, then the things should definitely be called that). The prices, and we'd like to emphasize this here, were absolutely fine and not overpriced. Even the fries, which seemed high-priced to us at first, you got in such a large portion that the price was reasonable.


One act on this day that we want to highlight just because of the performance is Splinter. With their Southern Rock music, the band created a great atmosphere on stage. Especially the singer has impressed us with his movements, which were over the

Stage danced in platform shoes. The band has brought the 70s back on stage and absolutely authentic.

The last day of the transformer should become a real experience, which was already apparent when we arrived: Electric Sheep was in the middle of their set when we showed up and saw how the transformerheads followed the gig on several sofas placed in front of the stage. Now that's a way to start the morning! Light pop rock from young musicians that you get to hear in your own living room.


But after that it was "straight in the face" with AntiAntiAnti. From the beginning to the end, the band gave no respite for themselves or for the audience and literally surged forward with their music.

Trafostation-61 Festival in Frechen
Trafostation-61 Festival in Frechen

Punk met metal met progressive, which was passionately carried outward by the band. To some jokes on stage, our magazine simply inspired the passion to their music, which then also gladly times in a torn trousers of the singer ended. Especially the last song, the singer Setff with the words, "With the last song we break our body together"spoke volumes and demanded full physical effort, which was also gladly rewarded with an encore.


Now we come to what we have already described: The unconventional sound, which may not fit into the line-up at first glance. Stielow formed this exception with their mixture of rock and rap.

The band around singer Julia Marie ripped off the stage and thrilled especially with their style and interaction with the audience, in which there was exuberant dancing. Stielow brought not only good music, but also many topics to think about, such as toxic relationships, one's own value as well as hysteria and how it was treated in the past. We especially liked the last song "52", which is about older people and what they give away. An absolute recommendation from us!


One of the most heartwarming performances of the transformer was that of Ice Cream At The Alligator Park. The band had found their new singer there after the change of their singer, which is why this festival has been very special for the band for three years.

Trafostation-61 Festival in Frechen
Trafostation-61 Festival in Frechen

So it was also celebrated on this day with a lot of fun, good music and an audience that was happy to join the party. Especially songs like "How To Grow" or their new single "Walls Of Feelings" went down well and were sung along loudly by the fans.


But not only with their performance the band reached the hearts of the Trafoheads, but also with the donation of their fee. It just showed exactly that what we were allowed to witness this weekend: Trafo is a festival with its own family that supports each other and celebrates this bond once a year. It is a DIY festival where a lot of value is placed on the visitors and the bands and where everything is close and personal. An absolute insider tip that we can only recommend to you.

Concerts, festivals and more

In our BEHIND THE NOISE column we write about everything around the metal & rock scene and take a look behind the spotlights to give you a better insight into the concert. At this concert, too, we were able to collect exciting and new memories, which we will of course not withhold from you. Intense, unconventional and intoxicating. Welcome to the concert!

One show. Endless memories


Every voice counts


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