Avatar release album "Avatar Country

Published by: From the editors Avatar, Reviews Keine Kommentare zu “Glory to Avatar Country” – Avatar präsentieren brandneues Album

"Glory to Avatar Country" - Avatar present brand new album

"Glory to..." Avatar and welcome to Lila's review!


Once upon a time, a man wandered through a wasteland and built his kingdom in the midst of poverty. He christened it "Avatar Country" and brought its inhabitants..... Metal, Metal and of course more Metal!


Doesn't sound like a myth? It's not, it's hard reality! The guys from Avatar are about to release a new album and have come up with something really ingenious. We'll explain what it is in the following:


The guys' fabulous record comes out January 12 and is filled with ten killer tracks that you can listen to as Avatar fans should not miss. With the concept of telling different stories around the legendary realm of "Avatar Country" the band has surpassed itself in our opinion and therefore rightly receives our award for "Album of the Month" January 2018 from our editors!


The fairytale record of the guys will be released on 12 January and is filled with ten awesome tracks that you as "Avatar Country" liked. The sound of the record is characterised by catchy hard melodies, loud metal and of course the unmistakable Avatar music style. Due to the consistently good tracks, it's hard for us to choose our favourite track, but if we were forced to, it would probably be "The Kings Wants You". The first notes of Jonas guitar playing immediately grabbed us and at the latest during the chorus, the first of us bawled along loudly.


Not only musically should the new Avatar isc not be missing in any CD shelf, also visually the album is really something and therefore we give the thing an absolute buy recommendation! Crass, exciting and definitely special, that's "Avatar Country" and thus a promising start into the metal year 2018!


If you are not yet convinced, then take a look at



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We are already looking forward to keeping you updated about Avatar and who knows..... Maybe there will be an Avatar Live Report in the near future..... That, however, is another story😉


Lila is out, be the beat with you!

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