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Ehrlich, laut, dynamisch: Wilder veröffentlichen Debüt-Scheibe „Bad Bad Luck“

Hi and welcome to Lila's review!


Sometimes we just have Pesch in life and sometimes this Pesch changes into a little bit of happiness, if you look at it from a different perspective. Of course we can't have everything and things may not work out the way we want them to... but that's what music is for, to make you feel better:


For today we have brought you a special insider tip, in which a whole decade of experience as well as passion is and on the name of "Bad Bad Luck" listens. Look forward to the debut EP from Wild.


Wild is a fairly young band, but its members have known each other for several years and have often been on various stages. The two guys, Stephen Ramos (vocals/ guitar) and Nick fall (drums), from Long Beach play a distinctive, raw rock sound to which they adhere on their first Wild-The new album may still be a bit rough, but clearly show that there is still more potential and bigger stages are just waiting for them.


With "Bad Bad Luck" the duo tells of the last decade of their lives, letting go of the stories they've carried with them, and with this EP they strike the first Wild Chapter of hopefully quite a few. The pent-up emotions are reproduced in the form of light, dynamic tones and packed into an alternation between alternative and indie rock. The whole thing is accompanied by catchy guitar riffs, funky melodies and a variety of choruses that encourage you to sing along. The band tells about the genesis:


„Nach einer so langen Zeit der Vorfreude sind wir begeistert, diese EP endlich zu veröffentlichen. Sie spiegelt genau wider, wer wir heute sind, und ist eine Ode an unsere bisherige Reise. Von der Etablierung unserer Präsenz als Künstler in den letzten 10 Jahren, über den Schmerz, unsere alte Band zu verlassen, bis hin zum Herauswachsen aus bestimmten Beziehungen und dem Austritt aus der organisierten Religion; diese EP erzählt die Geschichte von all dem. Das Blatt hat sich endlich gewendet, und es ist Zeit, wild zu werden“.


Wild is a band that you should simply remember. Especially with their first EP they prove that their sound is not conventional and cannot be pigeonholed. It is their own style, which they have "Bad Bad Luck" to the world for the first time.


Lila is out, be the beat with you!

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