Silverstein unveil single "Bankrupt" - A wake-up call against the system

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Silverstein veröffentlichen brandneue Single „Bankrupt“ – Ein Wachmacher gegen das System!

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Looking at the global situation, nothing seems to be the same as before and even the road to recovery still feels far away. Not only those who are directly affected by the Corona pandemic feel anger about the decisions made so far, but also everyone else can only shake their heads from this point on. A band doesn't want to put up with it anymore and goes into battle against the establishment with a strong song to stand up for those who can't do it themselves.




2020 was supposed to be their year and mark the anniversary of their 20th anniversary, for which they even scheduled an anniversary tour. But even they were not spared by the Corona pandemic, which is why the concert series was canceled and the guys retreated back to their home country. Already hit hard by this circumstance, Silverstein noticed a constantly increasing upheaval in society, which the powerful in their positions use for their own advantage. This pent-up anger about a system that doesn't work and is additionally corrupt, the guys discharged in their latest song "Bankrupt". In their song they denounce the decision makers without mincing words and underline the whole thing with a hard, melodic post-hardcore as well as punk sound. It's a track full of anger, disappointment and certainly reflects not only their emotions, but also those of one or two of you. About the song, says guitarist Paul (meaningfully translated):


„Ich weiß nicht mehr, wie ich etwas anderes als Wut empfinden soll. Die Reichen werden immer reicher und die Armen werden immer ärmer. Die Löhne stagnieren, die Studiengebühren steigen, Jobs werden automatisiert oder ausgelagert, die Kosten für ein Haus sind in den meisten Großstädten lächerlich. Die Mauern fühlen sich an, als würden sie sich schließen und ein Entkommen scheint langsam unmöglich. Doppelzüngige Regierende und gierige gewählte Beamte stopfen sich die Taschen voll, während sie die Mittel für die Programme streichen, die wir eigentlich brauchen. Was sollen wir jetzt tun? Gemeinschaftlich aufeinander aufzupassen ist gut, aber ein krummes System zu ändern ist besser.“


Silverstein latest single sets the bar high for the band's future works, and we're excited to hopefully tell you about their new album soon.


Here the music video to the song:



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