Weathers present new album "Are We Having Fun?"

Published by: From the editors Weathers, Reviews Keine Kommentare zu “Are We Having Fun?” – Weathers präsentieren brandneues Album

"Are We Having Fun?" - Weathers present brand new album

Hi and welcome to Lila's review!


To the question "Are We Having Fun?" give Weathers in their latest work the appropriate answer: This Friday the band released their long-awaited second studio album and with it unleashes a fireworks of emotions, melodies and much more.


After seeing them live in Cologne , together with Set It Off, who also toured Europe, we couldn't help but follow the band further, as they already premiered one of the singles "Where Do I Sign?" there. The curiosity about the band from Los Angeles, who had put on a really good performance that night, hasn't let us go since, which is why we added them to our in-house studio playlist. With their sound, which moves between alternative rock, indie as well as pop, Weathers set their own direction, which they have been passionately pursuing since 2015 and also continue in their latest album:


Musically, Weathers create perfect conditions for the summer by mixing a dynamic alternative rock with driving indie rock and groovy pop melodies. Some songs even resonate with 80s vibes, making the album an eventful overall package. Especially songs like "I'm Just Sayin'" are among our absolute favorites and we wouldn't be surprised if this one is at the top of the international charts.


In their new album "Are We Having Fun?" the band has remained true to itself and talks about the many facets of mental health. That this topic is important to them, we could already experience at their concert, where they addressed it several times. To this, they feed other themes, such as the struggle with their own inner demons and the highs and lows in life. It is a versatile album that bluntly questions the perfection of the ego and openly addresses personal issues.


"Are We Having Fun?" combines the dichotomies of life with intense melodies that pick you back up. It's an album that both delivers wake-up calls and creates empathetic moments, transporting you into fantastic stories.


An absolute recommendation from us!


Lila is out, be the beat with you!


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