While She Sleeps release new album "Self Hell" on March 29th

Published by: From the editors While She Sleeps, Reviews Keine Kommentare zu While She Sleeps veröffentlichen spannendes neues Album “Self Hell” diesen Freitag

While She Sleeps release exciting new album "Self Hell" this Friday

Hi and welcome to Lila's review!


Growing up with the dream of music, famous stages and thousands of fans singing along to their songs: While She Sleeps are one of the bands that have fulfilled their dream and developed into the most important metal bands of our time.


Now they are releasing their new album "Self Hell" and creating a musical retrospective of their beginnings, which they mix with their current sound.


Growing up near Sheffield, the band came together there and started making music. With albums such as "This Is The Six", they established their name in the scene for the first time, and with "You Are We" and "Sleep Society" came the successes that have made them an indispensable force in this genre. Their creativity and close ties to their community characterize While She Sleeps and allow them to overcome their own limits time and time again. "Self Hell" is therefore another product of their hard work and love of experimentation, with which they review the last decade.


On "Self Hell", you can expect a versatile, modern metal sound that likes to combine different genres: From rap passages to electronic sounds, While She Sleeps integrate different styles, some of which are reminiscent of bands like The Prodigy or also have characteristics of modern hip-hop. Sean (guitarist) explains this as follows:


"The name of the album is the foundation of how we view ourselves and the world. Everyone has a subjective experience like no other. Yet the constant that binds us IS the differences between us and the fact that we are all suffering in our own way. Don’t be too quick to judge and demonise, your time will come for redemption or damnification.

We’ve been drawing inspiration from an array of misfit artists far from where you would usually pigeonhole While She Sleeps. Each member has brought in a different perspective of inspiration so far apart in genre that it has left us with a very odd and satisfying sonic. While She Sleeps will continue to keep the world guessing on what we will do next. Not only for the fans but this is a spiritual venture that we have to keep alive, moving, and constantly in flux. We do this by scaring ourselves with things we are not supposed to do. Every. Single. Day.”


The variety of facets and influences of the individual musicians can be clearly heard, for example on "No Feeling Is Final" or "To The Flowers". It remains hard, it remains angry, and it simply makes you want to listen to them.


At the same time, it sounds dystopian, conveying a feeling of departure and freedom - many emotions are emphasized in the twelve songs, which in their entirety capture the aforementioned "self-hell" in all its possible facets.


While She Sleeps have once again created an album that is easy to identify with. Highs and lows are taken up and underlined here in the context of their further musical development. "Self Hell" is available everywhere from this Friday and gets a clear recommendation from us!


Photocredit: Enzo Iriarte

Lila is out, be the beat with you!

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