Pressure Phase release new single "Valve

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Loud, honest, dynamic: Druckphase present new single "Ventil" this Friday

Hi and welcome to Lila's news!


It's only been a month since Druckphase gave the world a new song. Now you can look forward to another work that will be released this Friday, bringing supplies in the form of a new wake-up call. Look forward to "Valve."


In their latest track, the band talks about letting off steam and how it is to have an outlet to let out your anger. That this outlet is not always right and can also hurt people is also shown in reality, which can degenerate into violence against oneself or others. We hear about domestic violence against children, women or men all too often and it can also trigger a search for guilt in those affected, which can often lead to self-harm. That this is a problem, which must be made aware of and addressed, Druckphase show with their latest single.


For this serious topic, the band provides the appropriate background in the form of a hard, dynamic metal sound that alternates between rap passages and the guttural vocals of singer MadVox . The band also includes guitarist Rapha and drummer Andy, who harmonize perfectly not only in the song, but also on stage. Pent-up emotions are let out by the band and of course also by you in the chorus!


It seems like the band has found its outlet in music, what about you guys?


Save the date: May 6 - Also check out the band on Spotify and Instagram , it's worth it.


Photocredit: Druckphase


Lila is out, be the beat with you!

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