Posted by: From the editors News, Sober Truth No Comments on Sober Truth veröffentlichen “Dizygotic Twins” als Apetizer und Mutmacher zum kommenden Album als Video und Digital release
Sober Truth release "Dizygotic Twins" as apetizer and encouragement for the upcoming album as video and digital release
The time has come, the Siegburg Prog Groove Metallers of Sober Truth present you on 12.03.21 a video release and attention !!!! ... with the special feature that THEY chat live with you on Friday, 12.03.21 and face your questions, praise, reviews! Let's do this together, this band has fought extremely in this live crisis and is through all the ups and downs and the 3 men + girl want to make you appetite for a special new studio album. It is clear in advance, the independence remains and the never tiring musicians will take your goal of the big stage again firmly in the Sober visor! Culture is important, you realize that fully and completely! Sober Truth will be there when it starts again! Are you with us?
"... single-born twins are in a lifelong state of permanent numbness to the feelings of other people...." So many situations in life were characterized by the longing for the other and so many decisions were made in a certain way because the other was missing. What heals is the regained inner contact with our deceased twin.
Attentione! SOBER TRUTH celebrate interactive video release and present you THEIR first single "DIZYGOTIC TWINS" from the 6th studio album, as an appetizer and encouragement in this time! Keep Friday night free from 20 clock and chat with us on YouTube and H I E R CLICK in the event, because we face directly your questions, comments, criticism and love. Special guest and live on stage is filmmaker and director Ralf Baumann. We will accompany you together through a wonderful evening!
Be part of it!
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Press release from: TaktArt Booking | Promotion | Records
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