Sydney Sprague releases album "somebody in hell loves you".

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Zwischen der Wirklichkeit und dem Ende der Welt: Sydney Sprague veröffentlicht neues Album „somebody in hell loves you“ am 15. September

Hi and welcome to Lila's review!


"somebody in hell loves you" - When I have mastered the journey of life and the world is coming to an end, what will I say to you? This and a few more questions around our existence faces Sydney Sprague in her new album, which will be released on September 15 via Rude Records.


Sydney decided early on to pursue a career as a songwriter and was supported in this by her parents. In her room, she painted this life for herself, with posters of Britney Spears hanging on her wall. Influences such as Avril Lavigne manifested this dream, which she has already put into practice with two works. The young songwriter and musician focuses on a very own, original sound, which you can also hear in her new album.


Her new album "somebody in hell loves you" captivates with the mixture of her soft, distinctive voice as well as the modern rock sound, which can quickly switch between loving beach and harder punk vibes. Psychedelic, indie or poppy: Syndey shows different facets of her music, which may also be unpolished sometimes. Especially with her voice she manages to pick up the listener, with which she takes a little acceleration out of the songs thus creates a good balance.


The theme of the album revolves around the end of the world and this one moment between reality and the transition into nothingness. It is the silence between these two moments that Sydney takes up musically in her new album. At the same time, she combines this with thoughts that you might have encountered in your everyday life, such as the feeling of having to go through hell yourself in order to keep someone with you (overkill). It is a journey through the many moments in one's own life, which one lives through together in perhaps the last seconds on earth with "somebody in hell loves you" in the ear. About the process, the musician tells:

„Als ich während des Covid Lockdowns anfing, Songs für dieses Album zu schreiben, fühlte es sich an, als ob der Film zu Ende wäre und der Abspann über das Leben gerollt wäre, aber wir alle aus irgendeinem Grund noch hier waren. Alles schwebte in dieser Leere, und deshalb hatte ich das Gefühl, alle Zeit der Welt zu haben, um einfach zu tun, was ich wollte. Es war seltsamerweise das freieste Gefühl, das ich je hatte. Das Schreiben wurde zu einer Möglichkeit, mich zu unterhalten und mich zum Lachen zu bringen, anstatt mich zu suhlen. Ich verbrachte viel Zeit damit, über die Vergangenheit und die Menschen um mich herum nachzudenken und Dinge zu verarbeiten, zu denen ich nie in der Lage gewesen war. Ich war in der Lage, ehrlicher zu sein, als ich es jemals in meinen Liedern gewesen bin. Die Tatsache, dass ich sie jetzt mit anderen teilen kann, fühlt sich ein wenig beängstigend an, denn als ich sie schrieb, waren sie wirklich nur für mich, aber ich hoffe, dass sie den Leuten das gleiche Gefühl der Flucht vermitteln können, das sie mir vermittelt haben.“

Sydney Sprague brings with "somebody in hell loves you" a work, which really helps to escape daily issues. It is varied and shouldn't be missed, especially for those of you who want to discover something new. Save the date: September 15th!


Photo credit: Ellie Carty

Lila is out, be the beat with you!

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