Print phase interview with Starlight dot rocks

Published by: From the editors Pressure phase, Interviews Keine Kommentare zu Druckphase im Interview! Die Band stellt sich vor…

Interview with Druckphase! The band introduces themselves...

Hi and welcome to Lila's interview!


Loud, unstoppable, Pressure phaseAfter we had the chance to meet the guys at the last BlattTurbo band night, we took the chance to do an interview with them. What came out of it, with whom the trio would like to play and much more, you can now read below 🙂


At this point: Thank you Pressure phase! - You rock.


LILA: Pressure phase has existed for several years and has experienced many things together. What were the best and what were the worst moments you experienced together as a band


PRINT PHASE: What we find particularly positive is how we are received by strangers and the positive feedback we receive. This shows us that we reach people emotionally. A particularly good moment in the band's history was of course the release of our EP "Entropy". Negative is rare. Honestly... The worst case is when a rehearsal fails.


LILA: With your latest work "Entropy" you released a five-song disc last year, which not only brings a diverse, fresh sound, but also makes you want more. Tell me, how was the production process and what is your personal highlight on the record?


PRINT PHASE: Even before Pressure phase was founded Rapha (Git, Bass, Keys) had pre-produced about 20 songs. We then let them mature in our own studio. The plan was clear: we wanted to start with an EP. So we consulted which songs fit well together and represent us. The result was 5 completely finished songs. Our common highlight is the song "Fire". That's why we also chose this one to create a video for it.



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MADVOX: The lyrics to all the songs are something very personal to me, so it's hard for me to highlight one. But maybe it's "Fire", because I care that people hear the message - cohesion.


RAPHA: The highlight on the EP for me was "Our Time" and simply because it was the first song for which the vocals were recorded. I was on vacation at the time and was excited to see how the first results would sound. The guys sent me the song shortly and I had to listen to it a billion times because I thought it was so awesome!


ANDY: I think that my feelings about the songs have changed. In the beginning I liked "Our Time" the best. Very good drive, hammer outro. After some time I caught myself again and again how cool I find "Not With Me" . The song is like a good wine!


LILA: Especially when it comes to naming the band, opinions often differ. Tell us how you came up with the name Pressure phase and what's behind it?


PRINT PHASE: Coming up with a name took us a few days. We talked through many possibilities and what we liked about Pressure phase is that it leaves so much room for interpretation... so what do you think?


LILA: Recently you told us about your new rehearsal room, which you are currently restructuring from top to bottom. You share it with some other musicians, how is it to share a space with so many artists?


PRINT PHASE: It's awesome! We are thirteen musicians/four bands who have been supporting each other for years and are active in the Cologne music scene. This community enriches the rehearsals, the music and our musical life. Ig: @downbycontact @cellmetal @nmac4711


LILA: You've been making music together for four years now, so the question arises, when did you start making music as artists yourselves? And how did you get to know each other?


PRINT PHASE: Each of us has been making music since we were young and gathered our first influences along the way.


The formation of Pressure phase began with Raphas departure from the band "Cell". Andy is very connected with "Cell" and the two decided to start something new. In the first time Andy and Rapha planned and created the project alone, until they had the glorious idea to bring MadVox into the lab. The chemistry was right from the start and off they went! It's worth mentioning that there were plans to recruit more musicians, but after some trial and error we knew: Pressure phase is a trio. And that's how we love it.


LILA: Do you still remember the first concert you played together as Pressure phase ? What was the most formative experience?


PRINT PHASE: That was not so long ago. 28.04.2018 at the Walzwerk in PulheimIt was very special to finally go on stage together for the first time. At the gig we had great audience, great feedback, great sound and cool light! Luckily we have it on video!


LILA: Imagine you had the chance to play live with every band/artist. Who would you perform with and why?


PRINT PHASE: For example, Nothing More is a band we would love to be on stage with. The guys deliver a great stage performance and can definitely show us some more tricks in the trade.


LILA: Where do you see yourselve in five years?


PRINT PHASE: See you on stage in 5 years, drenched in sweat. Where else? We will still have fun with the music and together. We really want to emphasize the extremely good feel of the bands. We would like to have more concerts and more fans, because music always has something to do with feedback!


LILA: Finally, do you have anything to say to your fans?


PRINT PHASE: We would like to thank our fans, hope for some more and look forward to the next gigs. Come by!


Lila is out, be the beat with you!

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