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Tiny Moving Parts release new album "breathe" - Our "Album Of The Month
Hi and welcome to Lila's review!
Tiny Moving Parts has done it. With their latest release "breathe" they have not only brought out an extraordinary work, but with Hopeless Records also signed with one of the most famous labels in the scene.
Our "Album Of The Month".
Tiny Moving Parts is a family band consisting of the brothers Wiliam (drums) and Matthew Chevalier (bass) and cousin Dylan Mattheisen (guitar/vocals). Raised in the small town of Benson, Minnesota, the exceptional trio formed their first band in junior high, D Cupswhich a short time later turned into Tiny Moving Parts renamed. Since 2008, the band has been playing together in this constellation and has constantly developed itself and its style. Located in the punk rock, they combine their music with various elements from the metal and rock area and create so for them so original and absolutely characteristic sound. Already in their youth, influenced by bands like Fall Of Troy or Blink 182 the guys incorporated stylistic elements of their idols into their own music. Paired with the somewhat harder pace a recipe for success, as it should turn out. Meanwhile, the guys released seven albums and four EPs.
In September of this year presented Tiny Moving Parts now her latest work "breathe". From the tour bus they worked on their new work and wrote down a total of eleven songs. The whole thing was recorded and produced by Greg Lindholm as well as pop producer John Fields, who has worked with bands such as Jimmy Eat World and All Time Low has worked together. In their new disc they deal with the fear of one's own death, missing something as well as losing someone important and pack these serious topics into partly cheerful melodies. With "breathe" opens for Tiny Moving Parts a brand new, personal chapter that invites fans to forget the gray daily grind and focus on the positive things in life. Here's what singer Dylan to the release:
"I just feel as time goes on that everything means more and more. So this record covers things we've talked about in the past - the fear of dying, losing someone through moving away or the passing of someone - but it concentrates more on the positives, and being happy things happened instead of sad they're taken away. It's about finding that mindset to keep on powering through".
Tiny Moving Parts has with "breathe" released a disc that not only inspires at home through their own boxes, but also really makes live mood. More about it soon with us 😉 We keep you in any case about everything else up to date. Absolute buy recommendation!
Curious now? Then watch their music video for "Medicine" :
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