Published by: From the editors Reviews, Trigger finger Keine Kommentare zu Triggerfinger und ihr Album “Colossus” – Unser “Album Of The Month”

Triggerfinger and their album "Colossus" - Our "Album Of The Month

Hi and welcome to Lila's review!


My Immortals. After a short break we are finally back for you! However, we have not only lain in our vacation on the lazy skin, but used the time among other things to plan new events for you from which we will report soon. Freshly recovered, with full battery and full of energy we present you today a new album review.


The Belgian Powerrock - Trio Trigger fingerwhich has the reputation of being the loudest band in Antwerp, is back after three years of album abstinence with their new album "Colossus back. The energetic disc will be released on August 25 and fans can look forward to a multi-faceted album filled with good rock songs. How do we know that?


We have already had the great honor to "pre-listen" and are visibly taken. Here are our impressions:


With a great mix of ten songs, the guys gave us a unique experience which we recommend to everyone. The album offers the right song for every situation... no matter if you are driving, in the office or at home, "Colossus is an album which in our opinion can be listened to everywhere and currently spreads a powerful mood in our editorial office.


Especially the singer Ruben stands out with his rough and loud voice as well as his unmistakable composure with which he performs the individual tracks on the album. One of our favorites is definitely the song "Flesh Tight". In our opinion, this song should be enjoyed with the window open and accordingly loud (so that the neighbors also have something of it).


The cover of the album is kept in blue tones and draws a two-headed creature. Above this is the name of the guys and the album in black letters.


We have found pleasure in the new album of the band and find that this has truly earned its name. Perfect for the start of the next month, is "Colossus" our "Album Of The Month"for September and we are already looking forward to interviewing the guys at their concert on November 23 in Cologne (which we will of course tell you about).


Listen in any case, it's worth it!


Image source: Diego Franssens


Lila is out, be the beat with you!

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