Void Of Vision Jack in interview with Starlight.rocks

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Interview with Jack from Void Of Vision - All about the band "Heaven" and much more!

Hey and welcome to Lila's interview!


We recently took the opportunity to introduce Jack from Void Of Vision some questions about their music, their latest work and also learned with which act he would share the stage.


A huge thanks to Eros from KINDA, who made the whole thing possible. Cheers and thank you!


Here is the translation, the original can be found below.


LILA: With the release of your new EP "Chronicles II: HEAVEN" you tie in with your last work "Chronicles I: LUST" and half a year later you invite us into a sound universe that seems endless. How did you manage to produce something new in such a short time and which song can you recommend as an introduction to your new work?


JACK: I think the great response to LUST helped us write something new that was not only just as good, but also sounded fresh. We could write the same EP over and over again with great success, but the goal of this EP series was to showcase the band in every way possible. The best song to serve as an introduction would be, in my opinion. DOMINATRIX - we wanted it to serve as a pallet cleaner and leave our listeners completely open to what the future holds.


LILA: Your band has existed for several years and has gone through many different situations. What would you say was the best and what was the worst thing you experienced together as a band?


JACK: I think the best and worst things we experienced were the hard learning curves. I think in the middle of our career we were a little confused and lost in our own little world where we were admittedly putting out art that wasn't quite who we are. Without that, we wouldn't have made it to where we are today, but I also see a silver lining in every bad situation.


LILA: If you had the opportunity to be president of the world for a day, what would you like to change?


JACK: No more babies/children allowed on flights.


LILA: Listening to "Heaven", one gets the feeling that it is one of the most personal and honest works of yours that you have written so far. What was the creative process like and what was the moment like when you finally finished it?


JACK: The creative process was extremely rewarding. It has definitely given me many important moments in my journey of self-discovery, and upon completion, I am very happy about where I am today. To have the opportunity to be so honest in art and to be welcomed with open arms is truly mind blowing. I'm very grateful to be in the position we're in now, with all the support we're receiving.


LILA: Imagine you had the opportunity to perform with a band or musician of your choice (dead or alive). Who would you choose?


JACK: Dead or alive makes it interesting. I think besides Linkin Park is back with Chester Bennington to perform in their Hybrid Theory/Meteora era would be a crazy thing. Not many have achieved the recognition and success of these two albums, and to experience a moment of it would be very special.


LILA: How did the collaboration with Hannah Greenwood on the song "Altar"? Is there a moment that has remained particularly memorable for you?


JACK: We were introduced to each other through our mutual friend/UNFD A&R rep, and we immediately got to work. We were on a writing trip and the song was about to go on the EP before Hannah came into play. The way she helped breathe new life into the song really got it over the line and made it a very important moment on the release.


LILA: If you compare your last EP with your debut album "Broken // Bones" compares. What do you think has changed since then?


JACK: SO much so that it's crazy. The things we've learned and experienced since then have hardened and matured us, and it's crazy to put everything in perspective between these two releases. We definitely stop to smell the roses amidst the chaos, and it's really changed the way we see everything around us.


LILA: Next year will be ten years Void Of Vision be. A whole decade filled with an energetic blast metal sound that you have shaped over the last few years to make it your own. How would you like to spend the next decade as a band?


JACK: Honestly, I think it's hard to say haha - we didn't know this band would be around for a decade when we started it, so it's crazy to use that term now. As long as we're still doing what we love, with those we love, all over the world (without any more pandemics), that's more than enough.


LILA: Do you want to at least say something to your fans at the end?


JACK: Here's to you guys! Thanks for all your support along the way, we really appreciate each and every one of you - see you soon at a show near you!


Image source: Jon Pisani


Lila is out, be the beat with you!

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